“We want to grow with you” GFS Marketing Project “We want to grow with you” CJ Axer Cody Brant Anna Kaufmann Anne McElgunn
Behind the Brand GFS Mission Statement: Core Values: “Our purpose is to serve our customers with the highest-quality foodservice products and services. We achieve this purpose through innovative systems and the spirit and integrity of our people.” Core Values: Customer is King Rewards for Performance Integrity
Weekly spending: $500 % of purchasing: 40% Restaurant #1 Weekly spending: $500 % of purchasing: 40% Current Issue: Macy’s Café and Bakery enjoys purchasing unique products from a variety of Cash & Carry stores, but would eventually like to stay loyal to one food distributor to increase convenience. “Macy’s Café and Bakery is a newly established business in the heart of quaint downtown Hartland. Macy’s pride themselves on quality products with service in a vibrant and friendly atmosphere.”
Weekly spending: $900 % of purchasing: 60% Restaurant #2 Weekly spending: $900 % of purchasing: 60% Current Issue: Bistro Formaggio is becoming an established business with loyal customers, but sticking to traditional habits, lacks an efficient product purchasing system. “Bistro Formaggio has been in business for about ten years and has opened up two joint restaurants in the Boston area. Customers rave about the traditional, authentic Italian menu that stays the same from year to year.”
Other Factors $ $$$ Distance from store Frequency of store visits High Convenience Low Bistro Formaggio Macy’s Café & Bakery Other Factors Distance from store Frequency of store visits Psychological profile
The Problem Gordon food service needs to more effectively transition large marketplace clients to trucking clients in order to continue growth and development within the GFS brand
4 3 Segments 2 $800- $1000 OTP $500 awareness $400 1
How Can We Help? Top-tier “everyday consumer” Optimal Position
Recommendation & Solutions “Multi-channel capabilities do require some initial investment, but companies can achieve a scale advantage by targeting high-value customers and meeting their expectations.” - Boston consulting group, The Multichannel imperative Rec: multichannel Stats of multichannel Here’s a company that successfully did it
Three Elements Use store as a launching point for trucking clients Providing incentive for potential transition accounts Focus on commercial business segments Optimize stores as a channel for trucking clients Recipe Sessions and New Product trials Enhance eMarketing Communication Reorganize and update website Promote shift to distribution Capturing potential transition customers– using the marketplace stores more effectively for both the “everyday consumer” & the trucking client 2. Investing in current customers- GFS has thousands of customers at the marketplace 3. Outdated marketing materials- it is difficult for customer and potential customers to navigate the GFS website and fin
GFS Marketplace Store Using Marketplace store as launching point for development GFS Customer Cards Trial Trucking Focus on capturing prime clients 50% 70%-100% Bridge the gap between two channels GFS Customer cards– changing format to allowing all customers to have a discount card for future purchases Also a way to track and quantify which businesses are spending a target amount and how frequently they are visiting the store
GFS Customer Card Providing incentive for trucking clients to visit the GFS Marketplace store Different levels Silver- 5% Gold- 8% Platinum- 10%
4 3 Segments 2 1 $800- $1000 OTP $500 PTP $400 E-mail *OTP – Optimal Transition Point **PTP – Potential Transition Point
Going Back to Your Roots Exclusive incentive for contract clientele New Product Trials Recipe Sessions Building awareness of Marketplace service to trucking clients
E-Marketing Clear/consistent messaging appealing to smaller restaurants Simplify website material and design to allow for easier navigating for small businesses Create “Distribution” tab on Marketplace site Clear/consistent messaging appealing to smaller restaurants Simplify website material and design to allow for easier navigating for small businesses Create segments page including information on different segments (how much $ spent per week, explanation of segment attributes, etc.) Communication the message that different segments (and different restaurants within those segments) have different needs and wants and GFS can cater to those unique desires. Case study – use bistro & macys as examples? Tie in hypothetical restaurants Enter in location & amount spent per week
High risk in developing small, independent businesses Economic risk factor Less margin in transition from marketplace customer to trucking client No perfect solution Risk Mitigation
1 2 3 4 Segments ** how to transition from trucking back to Marketplace Store
Multi-Channel Example Fnac Facts Company based in France Urban and Suburban stores, online shopping Each channel has separate offerings yet integrated across Customer cards and delivery system France’s largest retailer of music, books, and consumer electronics Annual revenue in 2010= 5.4 billion dollars As of the year 2008, 1.8 million customers owned a customer card
“We want to grow with you” Gordon Food Service “We want to grow with you”