Raising the Bar for Integration with Public Transport Andrew Ardley Devon County Council
Content The journey to date What’s missing from public transport? Exeter as a case study What are the prospects for the future?
The journey so far…. Lots of talk about integration with public transport and door to door journeys…. Lots of individual initiatives e.g. station travel plans, cycle routes / parking Practical challenges e.g. bikes on trains, fragmentation of bus and rail provision Have we really given people more practical options? Outcome: Some good individual mode provision but still not really joined up… Emergence of MAAS…
Challenges and Opportunities in Exeter 2011 2001 Travel to Work Areas
TTW Changes (2001-2011) - In numbers Additional 7,400 people who travel to work in Exeter Rise from 67,000 to 74,400 but only 1,400 are car drivers (20%) Vehicle Trips within Exeter have fallen by 3900 (18.3%) Mirrored by additional 3,500 sustainable trips in city (21.5%) Offsets additional 5,300 car trips from outside Exeter Sustainable modes account for 1/3 of new trips from outside City
TTW Demand into Exeter Greater Exeter Exeter Wider Area 10,000 people 17,000 cars 45 % Car Split Wider Area 10,000 people 8,000 cars 80% car split Towns 13,000 people 9,000 cars 70% car Split Villages & Rural 13,000 people 12,000 cars > 90% car split
Exeter’s TTW National Performance Majority of residents do not drive to work (55%) Walking (22%) 4th highest nationally! (2nd Really!) And in comparison to other cities locally and of a similar size Public Transport % one of the best & on par with larger cities (Bristol & Plymouth) Cycling is middle of cities of comparative size. But some significantly higher Oxford (17%) and Cambridge (30%) higher.
Town Characteristics Balanced Commuting Patterns Blue – inward commute Red – outward commute Newton Abbot Axminster
Town TTW Analysis – Newton Abbot to Exeter TTW to Exeter Overall 79% of all trips to Exeter made by car 9% by train 27% travel by train to city centre- only 2% to Sowton Potential Improvements Marsh Barton Station to make a big difference to travel splits to Marsh Barton Also Hospital/County Hall? Half hourly rail to Digby & Sowton But a long way round!
Opportunities: Devon Metro 10 stations within or on edge of city with additional planned at Marsh Barton 2018
Station Hubs Pinhoe Skypark Science Park Exeter Business Park / Met Office RD&E / County Hall Sowton Industrial Estate Digby and Sowton Marsh Barton Marsh Barton Industrial Estate
Bus Network Heavily Radial Route Based…
So Near But So Far… Pinhoe Skypark Science Park Exeter Business Park / Met Office Sowton Industrial Estate Digby and Sowton Exeter Chiefs (Sandy Park) IKEA (opening Spring 18)
A Great Opportunity… But needs to work at both ends of the journey Not just about journey to work – can we reduce the need for that second car? Can we make tickets / booking as integrated as possible? Travel Plans still have a key role to play to co-ordinate
Thank you