SuperB Detector Status-Elba-2010 White Paper/DPR Status System by System Updates Workshop Goals and Structure. Blair Ratcliff SLAC
White Paper Status
Detector Progress Report-White Paper Significant update since CDR Some new designs and/or revised system designs in some cases. Grounds-up budget re-evaluation and/or updates Some growth in totals since CDR for both Manpower and M&S. Text complete and content edited (~ 90 page report) Final discussions this week-Plan to Freeze ~ week’s end. Need to finalize/freeze budget & schedule (currency conversion update) Final Consistency Editing Pass within ~ 2 weeks 3
First Page of Table of Contents
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Detector Progress Report-Authors Presently taken from contributing section editor’s lists Please suggest updates before the end of this meeting. 6
Detector Evolution
SuperB Detector (with options)
Outstanding Geometry Issues 6 Layer SVT LO Striplets @ 1.6cm if background is acceptable as default. MAPS Option . Retain 5 Layer outer detector. SVT – DCH transition radius ~> than 20 cm determined by beam element cryostats to allow easy installation Backward EMC Inexpensive Veto device bringing 8-10% sensitivity improvements for Bt n. Low momentum PID via TOF? Technical Issues? Forward PID Physics gains about 5% in BK(*)nn. Somewhat larger gains for higher multiplicities Open technical options/interactions with EMC Absorber in IFR Optimized layout. Plan to reuse yoke. Still need to resolve engineering questions.
Approx. Projected Progress Report Budget (Final Transport Costs and Currency Rates Being Revisited) WBS Item EDIA Labor M&S Rep. Val. mm mm KEuro KEuro 1 SuperB detector 3924 2361 ~51000 48922 CDR Budget
Detector Proto-Tech Board/Parallel Session Conveners Detector Coordinators – B.Ratcliff, F. Forti Technical Coordinator – W.Wisniewski SVT – G. Rizzo DCH – G. Finocchiaro, M.Roney PID – N.Arnaud, J.Vavra EMC – F.Porter, C.Cecchi IFR – R.Calabrese Magnet – W.Wisniewski Electronics, Trigger, DAQ – D. Breton, U. Marconi Online/DAQ – S.Luitz Offline SW Simulation coordinator – D.Brown Fast simulation – M. Rama Full Simulation – F. Bianchi Background simulation – M.Boscolo, E.Paoloni Rad monitor – Lumi monitor – Machine Detector Interface – +DGWG – A. Stocchi, M. Rama Stable!
Detector Systems Status Reports Progress on Detector Subsystems System Parallel Sessions Yesterday. An advertisement for remaining parallel sessions and looking back at yesterday’s slides Lots More Joint Parallels Remaining Progress on Simulation/DGWG Too Much Material Here. Will be brief!
Background Simulation/MDI-Eugenio Paoloni
Many studies by many people since Annecy Geant4 Model Backward EMC DIRC (New Read out) ForwardTOF DCH R/O electronic material IFR (New segmentation) FWD EMC new segmentation
MDI group (detector side) organization Regular weekly meetings organized as 30’ reports from 2 / 3 sub-system. Last three meetings: EMC (fast sim. vs full sim) tracking (SVT + DCH) PID (IFR + DIRC + fTOF) very fruitful participation of the sub system contact persons and the sub system experts.
Lots of Bkg. Activities since Annecy SVT: thin striplets and the pixel L0 option studied ( Riccardo Cenci ) Minimal L0 radius 19 mm striplets ( 13 mm pixel option ) DCH: progresses in occupancies evaluation ( Dana Lindemann, R. C. ) Optimization of the tugsten shield shape and material in progress (Dana) fTOF: evaluation of doses and rates in progress ( Leonid Burmistrov ) EMC: full vs fast on rad.Bhabha bkg. simulation ( Stefano Germani, Chih-hsiang Cheng, Andrea di Simone ) IFR: neutron flux moderation and absorption by a paraffin layer on the outer side of the solenoid, simulation precision cross checks. Work in progress ( Mauro Munerato, Gigi Cibinetto ) Touschek bkg: simulation of the latest & greatest (even if smaller) lattice ( Manuela Boscolo ) Software: Bruno packaging ( Andrea di Simone )
SVT-Convener Rizzo
Vertex Detector (SVT) 40 cm 30 cm 20 cm Layer0
Large difference for thin pixels (50 um) and striplets (200 um). SVT Activities Definition of Layer0 configuration & performance for the different technologies (striplets-baseline, thin pixel - upgrade) Update on background: Hit rate vs Layer0 radius from pairs production depends strongly on sensor thickness: large cluster width for low momentum tracks with large crossing angle Large difference for thin pixels (50 um) and striplets (200 um). Sustainable background hit rate (radius) depends on technology: striplets vs pixel area and readout chip. Development of pixel chip readout architecture continue: data push and triggered with target 100MHz/cm2 (safety x5 included) with timestamp 100 ns. radius ~1.3cm Evaluate efficiency of FSSR2 readout chip (striplets) vs rate (goal still 100 MHz/cm2): Verilog simulation results not very encouraging! Significant drop in efficiency ~ 20 MHz/cm2 Need to interact with Fermilab designers to understand if this is a real issue and in case if modification to digital part is possible. Started to investigate alternative option for striplets readout chip.
R&D on pixel options Better definition of the pixel module electronics Hybrid pixel: Prototype Front-end chip for hybrid pixel (32x128, 50 um pitch) tested Results in fair agreement with simulation Pixel sensor matrix produced and tested: good quality FE chip + sensor matrix bump-bonding in June and test in lab in September CMOS MAPS: Pixel readout architecture for next matrix (3D MAPS with 2 CMOS layers interconnected, ~Dec 2010) could work in data push and triggered mode triggered readout reduces pixel module complexity (lower speed for links & less material for pixel bus) Better definition of the pixel module electronics Progress on mechanical beam pipe design & integration of Layer0 modules on cooled flanges
DCH-Conveners Finnocchiaro & Roney
DCH Baseline Design DCH R&D Issues including: R&D has been started. Provides precision momentum Provides particle ID via dE/dx for all low momentum tracks, even those that miss the PID system. A new DCH (similar to now aged BaBar DCH, which must be replaced) Similar gas & cell shape (small improvements may be possible) Carbon Fiber end plates (to reduce material before endcaps) New electronics with location optimized. R&D Issues including: Electronics location and/or mass to reduce effect on backward EMC, Low Mass Endplates Can we do better on dE/dx (counting clusters)? Conical/stepped endplates or other ways to reduce sensitivity close to the beam. Background simulation/shielding optimization. R&D has been started. Need to test all solutions on prototype, DCH
Activity @ LNF “Prototype 1” is collecting cosmic ray data 6 x 4 BABAR–like hex cells, tracks extrapolated with ~80μm accuracy from drift-tube telescope Campaign with various He + iC4H10/CH4 mixtures and HV / threshold settings Space-time relations Spatial resolutions dE/dx 80%He-20%iC4H10 1960V 35%He-65%CH4 2760V
Activity @ LNF (cont.) ELECTRONICS Waveform acquisition of four proto1 channels integrated with DAQ Moderate-bandwidth preamps for now 97%He-3%iC4H10 1500V ELECTRONICS Proceeding with design of “standard” readout architecture VFB on endplates ROIB near new SOB Detailed study of electronics for cluster counting still to be done First simulations with 0.13mm IBM technology
Activity in Canada Preparations for the full-length prototype for cluster counting studies are continuing. Plan for beam in fall. 44 square cells, 15 mm square, 3 field wires per sense wire, plus surrounding cells for field shaping. Wire, feedthroughs, connectors, copper-clad mylar (outer cylinder), glues all on-hand. Three of four crimpers revived and ready to go. Montreal to do preamps and service boards
Activity in Canada (cont..)
Activity in Canada (cont..) Service Boards Drawing contains service board concepts, needed to plan mounting and ground points on endplate. Final design by Montreal group. readout at one end; HV and termination at other.
DCH sessions Mon. Mon. Tues.
PID-Conveners Vavra & Arnaud
Barrel PID DPR Design
Barrel PID FBLOCK [SLAC] Still waiting for bids from Corning to order raw material for the first FDIRC prototype Secured partial funding. Additional requests in play Worked on order some Shin Etsu RTV (SES 403) to start prototyping tests on how to make large glue joints between bar box, New Wedge and FBLOCK Geant4 simulation [Maryland] Ring images as a function of momentum, angle, wedge/no wedge, etc. we need to decide if we want to have a micro-wedge Mechanics [SLAC + Padova] Ongoing work on the mechanical design MaPMTs [SLAC + Maryland] Modified PC board for MaPMT amplifiers This amplifier is needed for the new MaPMT and the Maryland scanning setup Electronics [LAL-Orsay + LPNHE-Paris] FE board studies started – several designs being investigated currently Joint mechanics/electronics discussion needed FEE location, power, cooling, access, etc.
Forward PID E.g., GEANT4 Model FOR FTOF Device under study Goal: to choose a design by the end of Summer Review of different designs in parallel session FARICH [Novosibirsk] Updated design (Mg2F radiator), standalone MC studies Beam test foreseen for the end of 2010 Quotes for Photonis MCP-PMTs requested FTOF [LAL-Orsay + SLAC] Improved design (more photons / track); progress on mechanical integration First reconstruction studies using standalone MC FastSim simulation tuning based on results achieved so far Proposal for experiments in the SLAC Cosmic Ray Telescope (CRT) Ongoing tests in the CRT on (a) start time resolution for the FDIRC prototype’s chromatic correction analysis, and (b) pixilated TOF counter candidates (G-APD, mesh-PMT) [SLAC] Background [Nsk + LAL-Orsay + SLAC] Estimations based on the FullSim outputs, propagated then to the detector models Electronics Ongoing work with WaveCatcher boards in the CRT NIM paper on waveform digitizing electronics (Target chip & WaveCatcher board) E.g., GEANT4 Model FOR FTOF Device under study
EMC-Conveners (Cecchi & Porter)
St. Gobain: 12 crystals received for the Beam Test CRYSTAL STUDY St. Gobain: 12 crystals received for the Beam Test Metrology to check dimension is ongoing (5 measured within specs +- 100 μm) Light Yield measurement is ongoing (first results as expected) Uniformity testing just started SIPAT: new production to be tested (just started) schedule is to be ready for October Test Beam LY(1.17MeV)=1003 p-e/MeV LY(1.33MeV)=962 p-e/MeV MECHANICS Prototype structure for BT ready Development is ongoing for the whole structure Production method working Precision within tolerances Electrical conductivity achieved (common ground) What remains: Cost estimate in view of the 180 modules of a full endcap schedule for production to be completed in one year optical performance (to be studied with single cells) structural behavior (module elastic characterization, FEA of the support shell….)
APD’s strong temperature dependence READOUT, VFE, DAQ Final choice between PiN diodes (as in the Barrel) and APD’s has not yet been done: PiN would require intermediate step with PMT during uniformity measurements APD’s strong temperature dependence New: neutron induced signal in APD’s worse by a factor of 10 in PiN than in APD’s. 5 channels of the new electronics are under production and will be tested third week of June: test OK assembly up to 25 channels for October TB VFE to be modified recover and use 5 channels + 20 channels with APD’s and CMS DAQ
Detector Elements-IFR-Convener Calabrese
Advancements since last meeting(I): Prototype Preparation IFR Iron structure and detector small parts (PCB, fiber-SiPM coupling, module box, etc…) have been delivered: now focusing on scintillator modules preparation. All the fibers have been polished Fiber gluing techniques under study SiPM characterization and QC procedure established, setup in preparation. Working with some SiPM prototype, the final production will be delivered by June. WLS fibers PCB SiPM
IFR Advancements since last meeting (II): Simulations Fast Simulation PID tables for muons and pions, based on optimization results, are in preparation and will replace the BaBar tables in the next event production Detector Optimization Added and tested a 9-layers configuration Started with KL study. Background studies Neutron background analysis continues with the study of possible shielding and remediation: added polyethylene shielding, investigating the possibility to move the SiPM of the inner layers in a outer gap.
done done in progress Toward the TDR IFR Updated schedule Fall 09 finalize prototype design (mechanics and electronics) place orders for prototype construction (needed simulation results first) prototype assembly prototype test with cosmics test beam @ FNAL analyze/review test results and write the TDR done December 09 in progress January 2010 Fall 2010 December 2010 Spring 2011
Electronics, Trigger and DAQ- Conveners,Breton, Luitz, & Marconi
Base Design from DPR
L1 Trigger Baseline: Possible additions Challenge Other considerations re-implement BaBar L1 trigger with some improvements Shorter latency (~4us instead of 12us) Higher sampling frequencies (DCH and EMC) 2-d map for calorimeter Possible additions SVT trigger Bhabha Veto Challenge To keep the event loss due to dead time below 1% a maximum of ~70ns “per-event dead time” is allowed in trigger and FCTS Other considerations What goes in L1, what in L3, what’s the optimum? See trigger session (ETD 2) First meeting of “Trigger Interest Group” Interested new institutions (Roma and INFN) Events lost [%] 150kHz Exponential Inter-arrival time pdf. Per-Event Dead Time [ns] (scale: 0-60us) Events lost [%] Per-Event Dead Time [ns] (scale: 0-250ns)
ETD/Online: Main Themes for the Workshop Session 1: ETD / front-end Status talks of subdetector designs requesting a focus on their capacity and method to deal with 150kHz of trigger rate and a potential minimal distance of 70ns between triggers. Session 2: ETD / trigger Brief status of the first level trigger system including the building of the primitives from DCH and EMC, followed by discussions about architecture, synchronous links, processors, frequency, latency, Session 3: ETD / Online / common items Status of R&D on link, FCTS, ROM, Online Reminder of the rules for radiation mitigation (which will be a focus for the next workshop) Session 4: ETD / common items This session will be devoted to open discussion about a safe clock distribution, link coding and overhead, effects of trigger rate and inter-trigger distance, radiation mitigation, power supplies We will also plan the future ETD/Online dedicated workshops
Detector Geometry Working Group Activities since the Annecy workshop Rama/Stocchi
Detector geometry working group Several DGWG studies are completed (see ) From the DGWG summary talk in Annecy: goal: final results at the LNF meeting in September (lower priority) (lower priority)
Goals and agenda Tuesday: Wednesday: Main goals of this meeting other B Recoil analyses will take advantage of this study Main goals of this meeting Identify subsets of generic BB background for Btn and BK(*)nn to speed up the Summer production Make better estimates of the impact of material in front of the fwd EMC, update the optimization of the IFR Tuesday: Wednesday:
Detector Related Workshop Sessions 48
Focus of Workshop Review Progress and next steips for Overall Systems and Integration Issues Geometry Working Group Computing & Simulation ETD MDI/Background Integration Report system status progress and refine understanding needed towards final subsystem and general system design Complete Design R&D (Beam Tests & Milestones) Organization Build Manpower, Add Institutions Deeper WBS and associated engineering Define Specific Resources (Manpower and Budget Needs) Specific TDR Production Plans Documents and Planning Now Finalize Progress Report Very Soon! Detailed Resource Planning & Requirements for TDR phase. TDR (~ 1year). Progress in all areas, but more active people needed. Please engage your friends and colleagues! 49