R221 Recreation Facility Management Introduction Adjunct Instructor, Mick Renneisen, Administrator - Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department email: trenneis@indiana.edu Office: Showers City Hall, 7th and Morton Streets, Suite 250, 349-3711 Office hours: arranged
R221 Recreation Facility Management Introduction Student Introduction Name Year in school Major Why you are taking this class What you hope to learn from this class Anything about yourself you want to share
R221 Recreation Facility Management Syllabus Information Course Description: An orientation into various theories, operations and functions related to managing recreational facilities. Credits: Three (3) credit hours.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Syllabus Information Text: Recreation Facility Management, by Rich Mull, Brent Beggs, Mick Renneisen (2009). Available at IU Bookstores. Other assigned readings.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Course Requirements Performance will be appraised using a number of evaluation methods. A brief description of these methods follows: Readings: Assigned readings are essential to your learning in the course. Class discussions and lectures will be used to extend and amplify material from the reading. It is assumed you have read the assignment before each class session.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Participation The course places a significant amount of emphasis on your active involvement with the material. Class attendance is important.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Attendance Attendance at every class is expected of each student. However, the policy on attendance for the course will be based on common practices in the workforce.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Attendance 1. As a new employee (student in this course), you are allowed three personal days per semester. You may take off these three days without penalty, however, you should notify your employer (instructor) in advance or as soon afterwards as possible in the event of unforeseen circumstances. You are allowed three tardy days.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Attendance 2. Employees (students) who have a perfect attendance record at the completion of the course, i.e. do not take any of the three days, will receive a bonus. The bonus in this course will be 10 points added to your final point total.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Attendance 3. If you miss more than three days of work (class), you will lose points from your final grade. For each day missed above 3, two points will be deducted from your total points earned in class. If you are tardy to class or leave early more than three times, your penalty is the deduction of one point from your total points for each occurrence.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Attendance 4. Just as your performance evaluation for a job would reflect excessive absences and tardiness, so too your grade for this course will reflect excessive absences and tardiness. (Note: University Policy allows for some excused absences based on religious holidays and for certain extra-curricular activities. Please consult the policy prior to requesting an absence and adhere to proper notification procedures.)
R221 Recreation Facility Management Project The project assigned will allow the student to work in a group setting in order to foster an understanding of facilities in operation. A detailed hand out about the project is available on Oncourse. Establishment of teams for the project.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Project The project is due in class as noted on the schedule. A late penalty of 20 points per day late will be assessed for each day any part of the project is late. The assessment of this penalty begins after class on the date the project is due. Students are encouraged to make and retain copies of their submitted project in the event the instructor does not receive an assignment. Students are expected to write and organize their project in a professional manner. All assignments are to be typed and free of spelling, grammar and sentence structure errors. See the project outline for more details.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Exams There will be 5 exams during the semester. Any missed exam may be taken during the same time as the final exam. Exams consist of a combination of multiple choice, true-false and matching answer questions. The final exam is comprehensive with an emphasis on the Auxiliaries section of the text/class. The final exam will be worth a maximum of 100 points.
R221 Recreation Facility Management Grading: The final grade will result from specific areas of student responsibility. Performance will be represented by a point value. The following is an approximate breakdown of the point values placed on each area of course content: First Exam - September 8 50 points Second Exam - September 22 75 points Third Exam - October 8 50 points Fourth Exam - November 17 75 points Project Presentations - Dec. 3, 8 & 10 200 points Final exam - December 17 100 points Total 550 points
R221 Recreation Facility Management Next class assignment Reading Assignment: Textbook Chap. 1, “Understanding Recreation Facility Management.” Class information updates will be available on Canvas Questions?