We Value Diversity It is important to London Drugs that our workforce, vendor, and customer base reflects the diversity of our communities We recognize that in today's labour market we need to be proactive in our recruitment efforts and make sure we’re accessing the talent and skills of a variety of people
Variety in beliefs & customs contributes to our growth Having team members with a variety of beliefs and customs is what contributes to our continued growth as a company In addition to diversity, London Drugs’ values: Fairness and Inclusiveness Consistency of Approach Mutual Respect and Dignity Trust Variety in beliefs & customs contributes to our growth
First to sign an Aboriginal Employment Partnership Agreement Leading the Way On June 4, 2003, London Drugs was the first private-sector employer to sign an Aboriginal Employment Partnership (AEPI) agreement. This symbolized our commitment to: Develop recruitment strategies Promote employment and career development opportunities for Aboriginal people Share information on employment opportunities Facilitate cross-cultural relationships that foster a supportive work environment First to sign an Aboriginal Employment Partnership Agreement
Source, recruit, hire and retain skilled aboriginal workers Our Objective By partnering with the AEPI (now called BCAWS), London Drugs’ goal is to improve our ability to source, recruit, hire and retain skilled Aboriginal workers Value the input and support we’ve received through our partnership with the AEPI/BCAWS in helping us move forward in our goal Source, recruit, hire and retain skilled aboriginal workers
Steps So Far Working Group Established Workplace Audit Cross Cultural Training What have we done so far? We established an internal working group with BCAWS representatives and members of our HR team Through a workplace audit conducted, this workgroup did a review analysis of our employment policies and procedures and this audit result in recommendations for an Aboriginal employment strategy (in progress) Coordinates cross cultural training for our Managers and staff.
Presentation Tool London Drugs and AEPI/BCAWS created a presentation tool to be used at a variety of outreach activities. This tool highlights info about our culture/values, community involvement, career opportunities, advancement opportunities and what we look for in an applicant, and how our recruitment process works.
Strategy To Action Moving Strategy to Action Attend & Sponsor Events Encourage Our Managers to be Champions Communicate Our Career Opportunities Recognize Partnerships Are Different Participate in Local Pre-Employment Programs Strategy To Action SHANE – this is where you own experience will really be highlighted. Speak about the involvement you’ve had as a local champion in your community) Use London Drugs’ recruitment tools (occupational audit) to share info about the company and our career opportunities Participate in local pre-employment programs (advertise job postings on Aboriginal websites, participate in career fairs, participate in employment panels for students/job seekers) Regularly consult with and work with BCAWS for assistance and support Network and develop partnerships with local Aboriginal employment representatives Seek out and value the advice of Aboriginal employees on aboriginal recruitment and retention Recognize that each experience and partnership will be different Attend and/or sponsor aboriginal events, career fairs, info sessions, and conferences to share info about LD Be a local champion Seek out Aboriginal Advice Develop Networks & Partnerships Ask For BCAWS Assistance
The Future! Recruitment materials Practicum / work experience opportunities Cross cultural training i.e. on-line Internal partnership web page We’re working on recruitment pamphlets and other materials to use with the occupational presentation We’re looking to partner with retail/business programs in providing practicum/work experience opportunities for aboriginal students Conduct ongoing cross cultural training. We will be offering an on-line cross cultural course by the end of March or early April. This will be made available to all staff and management. Assistant Store Managers will be attending a cross cultural training session with Bob Joseph in April as part of their annual meeting Complete internal webpage focused on our partnership which acts as a toolkit for our managers in moving this strategy forward