Russian Revolution and World War I Ends Chapter 21, Lesson 3-4 EQ: Why do politics often lead to war?
Vocabulary: Ch. 21, Lesson 3 and 4 Soviet abdicate armistice reparation Treaty of Versailles (1919) * *Find in Power point
Bell Ringer You have 5 minutes to write down your summary for Chapter 21, Lesson 2: WWI
The Russian Revolution Chapter 21, Lesson 3
Pre-Revolutionary Russia Only true autocracy left in Europe Nicholas II became Czar in 1884 Believed he was the absolute ruler anointed by God Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra
Background to Revolution Russia unprepared for WWI’s total war People grew angry with the Czar’s regime, even the wealthy class.
The Soviets Russia stayed in the War to prevent embarrassment Soviets challenged the government They represent the workers and soldiers classes Largely made of socialists who represented the radical interests of the lower class Karl Marx (philosopher) = Marxism Socialism (Communism)
Lenin & the Bolsheviks Bolsheviks = radical Marxist led by Vladimir Lenin. Wanted a revolution (social change) Bolsheviks & Lenin see the soviets (poor) as a instrument to bring change Promise to end the Great War Redistribute land to the peasants “Peace, Land, and Bread”
Bolsheviks Seize Power November 1917 the Bolsheviks seized power—without bloodshed Lenin takes full control of the government Bolsheviks renamed themselves communists or Red Army March 3, 1918—Russia exits WWI after signing a treaty with Germany—gave up eastern Poland, Ukraine, and Finland.
Civil War: Romanovs are Murder Russian Civil War—Red Army vs. White Forces. Result: After Czar Nicholas II abdicated he, his wife, and five children were murdered. 17 July 1918
Triumph of the Communists Anti-Communist Forces (Allies, USA) could do nothing about the triumph of communism in Russia. Communist control of banks and most industries, distribute land to the peasants—allows communism to triumph
Activity #1: Back Ground to Revolution Read Background to Revolution (pg. 420-421) 1. What factors led to the Russian Revolution? Factors that led to Russian Revolution
Progress Check Questions: Chapter 21, Lesson 3 Answer Progress Check Questions in complete sentences (pg. 422-424) Inferring: Why did German military leaders return Lenin to Russia? Making Generalizations: Why might the promises of the Bolsheviks have been appealing to the Russian people? Contrasting: How were the White forces and the anti-Leninists socialists different?
Chapter 21, Lesson 4 Why do politics often lead to war? World War I Ends Chapter 21, Lesson 4 Why do politics often lead to war?
Ending the War 1917-1918 USA enters War in April 1917 1918 Russia exits the war Germans use all their resources on Western Front March 1918 Germany begins a massive attack on France
Central Powers Crumble (1918) US sent 140,000 “fresh” troops 2nd Battle of the Marne (June 1918)—Germany lost Central Powers Crumble Revolutions in Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire surrenders German soldiers mutiny, public turns against Kaiser Wilhelm II
War Ends (1918) Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated on Nov. 1918 11th hour, 11th day, of the 11th month in 1918 (Nov. 11, 1918) Germany agreed to sign an armistice (truce) 37 million dead and 20 million wounded Cost of 338 billion dollars
Ending the War Paris Peace Conference The "Big Four” meet at the Paris Peace Conference Wilson “14 points” Create Treaty of Versailles War Guilt Clause Break up of German, Austrian, Russian and Ottoman Empire Reparations Legacy of bitterness and betrayal Council of Four at the WWI Paris peace conference, May 27, 1919 Minister David Lloyd George (Britain) Premier Vittorio Orlando (Italy). Premier Georges Clemenceau (France) President Woodrow Wilson (USA)
Paris Peace Conference (1919) Aim: To come up with peace settlement The Four: US, France, Britain, Italy Note: Germany was not invited & Russia was dealing with its Revolution Complications—(1) secret agreements had been made before the end of WWI. (2) national interests complicated agreements (3) The Big Four argued
Wilson’s “14 Points” Wilson created it to bring peace and make sure a war like this would not occur again However, Congress fails to pass this resolution.
Activity #3 Read Wilson’s Proposal (pg. 427) 1. Identify two of Wilson’s proposals in his Fourteen Points Answer the following question: 2. How did Woodrow Wilson portrayed WWI? 3. According to Wilson, how can the two enemies of liberty (absolutism and militarism) be eliminated?
Activity #4: Treaty of Versailles Worksheet Read Treaty of Versailles Complete the table, answering the following: What did the Treaty of Versailles mean for Germany and for Europe?
Treaty of Versailles The Conference led to 5 separate treaties with each of the defeated nations (Central Powers) Treaty of Versailles with Germany Germany was fully responsible for WWI Had to pay reparations ($) for all damages to the Allies Germany had to cut its army, navy, and eliminate its air force Germany lost some lands
Effects of World War I Before World War I feeling of optimism and progress of Human Kind After the War feelings of pessimism
Activity #5: Primary Sources Analyze the Political Cartoons Answer Questions