“Who’s” got the news? Preschool BIG DAY Week 24 February 6th-9th Classroom Happenings… Eating Well BIG Idea: I eat healthy foods. Shopping, preparing, and cooking healthy foods; nutrients and vitamins; meals and mealtime; food categories; making food choices. At home: Make a Healthy snack mix at home. Have your child identify the ingredients, help measure out how much of each, and stir it up with you. Letters: Ss Snacks Monday: Hummus & Pretzels Tuesday: Grapes & Animal crackers Wednesday: NO SCHOOL Thursday: Popcorn & 100% juice Mrs. Olga has taken a great opportunity to work in our school office. Her last day will be February 9th. We are pleased that we got a new para that will start working with us on February 13th. Please welcome Mrs. Jackie. Dates to give a HOOT about… No School Wed. Feb. 8th, Thursday the 16th, and Monday the 20th. Any questions or concerns, Please feel free to call or email me anytime. Cadi.clayton@dvusd.org 623.445.8434