Kdg back to school night Welcome to Ms. Hach’s room, 119
Expectations Come ready to learn Follow classroom rules Folder/ backpack/homework Learn all letters and sounds Learn all their popcorn words
Discipline/management Clip chart-up for good behavior, down for making bad choices. Sign daily note in the green homework folder Ms. Pigg- BAC Room Write ups/discipline referrals for major behavior-points
FIELD TRIPS We are allowed to go on one field trip per grading period FIELD TRIPS We are allowed to go on one field trip per grading period. Parents are welcome to join. I will send home all information needed way before the trip.
Daily schedule: 8:50-9:10 Morning Work/ Morning Meeting 9:30-11:00 Reading Block/stations/science too!! 10:50- Brain Break 10:55-Writing workshop 11:15-11:40-Science-hikes too 11:40-12:10-Recess 12:15-12:45- Lunch 12:45-1:45-Specials 1:50-2:05- Quiet Time/Snack 2:45-3:15-SOAR 3:15-3:40 – STEM- science, math 3:45- Car Dismissal 3:55- Bus Dismissal
Homework information Math sheets due on Friday Math Homework will start Monday All homework must be completed. Reading logs after Christmas
parties Snacks for any kind of party MUST BE individually wrapped. (Please do not send cupcakes!) We are a peanut free classroom, so be considerate We will have a Fall Party, Hundreds Day, Winter Party, and Valentine’s Day party. Information will go home before parties for volunteers and/or donations
Emergency cards If you haven’t already, please turn in the white emergency cards to the office as soon as possible.
Medication forms If your child takes medicine at school, please fill out the forms and return them as soon as possible!
Media release Reverse waiver- will be coming home soon Please sign only if you would not like your child’s picture taken during school
Contact information Phone: 317-226-4155 My phone for texting-679-3720 Email: hacha@myips.org
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