“Nanoscale Lithography, Techniques and Technology” Nanoscale Lithography is constantly developing in its technology as demand grows for smaller and faster devices. The observation of Moore’s Law can be applied as there is an ongoing dedication to have more transistors on a chip. This desire has brought the technology to a nanoscale level. I will be exploring the lithography techniques at this nanoscale size, including the areas of photolithography, e-beam lithography, and x-ray lithography. These each have their own characteristics and uses. Rachel Brinkman April 5th, 2017
Central Concepts to Explore Nanoscale Technology Lithography Moore’s Law Current Technology Types of Lithography 1. Photolithography (optical, UV, EUV) 2. E-beam/ion-beam/Neautral atomic beam lithography 3. X-ray lithography
Lithography: method of printing from a stone or a metal plate with a smooth surface Invented in 1796 by German author and actor Alois Senefelder Nanoscale lithography: nanoscale technology involved in fabrication of structures with dimensions between 1 nm and 100 nm using lithographic tools Reference: A human hair is about 80,000 nm thick
Moore’s Law:
Moore’s Law: faster, smaller, and cheaper
Current work: Apple A11 10nm Intel 7nm
Types of Lithography Photolithography (optical, UV, EUV) Electron-beam/ion beam/Neutral atomic beam lithography X-ray lithography
Conclusions: + Applications + Moore’s Law – cheaper, faster, smaller + 3 types of Lithography + Advantages & Disadvantages
References: A. Heuberger, “X-ray lithography,” in Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 3. Elsevier B.V., 1985, pp. 535-556. Anton Shilov. (2015, February 24). Intel: 7nm process technology will require new materials [Online]. Available: http://www.kitguru.net/components/cpu/anton-shilov/intel-7nm-process-technology-will-require-new-materials/ Maria Stepanova and Dew Steven, Nanofabrication: Techniques and Principles, Wien: SpringerWienNewYork, 2012. Mark Hachman. (2015, February 22). Intel: Moore’s Law will continue through 7nm chips [Online]. Available: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2887275/intel-moores-law-will-continue-through-7nm-chips.html M. J. Jackson, "Microfabrication Using X-Ray Lithography" in Micro and Nanomanufacturing, Springer, 2007. Roger Fingas. (2016, August 9). Apple & TSMC working on 10nm ‘A11’ chips for 2017 devices – report [Online]. Available: http://appleinsider.com/articles/16/08/09/apple-tsmc-working-on-10nm-a11-chips-for-2017-devices---report (2004). Electron Beam Lithography [Online]. Available: http://eesemi.com/lith_electron.htm
Conceptual Questions: What is nanoscale lithography and why is it important? What are some of the difficulties faced going beyond 10nm technology? What are the three types of nanolithography discussed and what are their characteristics? What resists are possible and what are the result of each? What are the advantages and disadvantages of X-ray lithography?