NMWS Members Log-in Here – First Please note that this is not the real web page - only a guide. Please log in to the website on your computer.
NMWS NON - Members Do not try to Log-In to the NMWS Website Please note that this is not the real web page - only a guide. Please go to the NMWS Home page on your computer, scroll down and follow this link. NMWS Fall National Exhibition Registration Then skip ahead to SLIDE # 5, 6 and 7 of these instructions.
NMWS Members - Click on Blue REGISTRATION Tab (not the yellow choices)
Click on “Show Details”, in corner to expand display
Please click on link to read and print out Prospectus, Hanging Standards, and Guest Juror and Exhib. File Manager Guidelines **before** proceeding to click on 1st the REGISTER 2nd button
confirm your email address On this next screen confirm your email address as requested, then click “Next”
NMWS NON - Members should type in all of their personal contact info below.
NMWS Members who have logged-in will see their name & address already filled in above. REQUIRED: Click on these 2 boxes to create check marks, before going further.
Type in the painting Title, check the predominant Medium used, the Price, Size & File Name for each painting entry. NOTE: the proper letters and numbers for the FILE NAME for Painting A, or B or C. The FILE NAME must have exactly 13 characters. 7
To enter only one painting, ignore this section and skip down to Slide 12. ************************* To enter TWO paintings (total $35), check this box and fill in the proper painting info in this section.
To enter only one or two paintings, ignore this section and skip down to Slide 12. ************************* To enter THREE paintings (total $45), check this box and fill in the proper painting info in this section.
Scroll down to review all information listed for your entries on this page, then click the “Back” button.
On this next page, other images may already be present. Ignore them. Click on the circle in front of “My photos(0)”
(or “Choose File” if on a Mac) box, up to 3 separate times Click on a “Browse” (or “Choose File” if on a Mac) box, up to 3 separate times to select the 1, 2, or 3 image files of your paintings you wish to enter from your computer files.
to 3 image files by Browsing, After choosing up to 3 image files by Browsing, Click “Upload” and WAIT patiently for several minutes.
After the images of your paintings appear, look in lower right for a message about “Incomplete event registration” and your balance due. Click on it.
to be certain that all of your entry information is correct, Back on this screen, once again scroll down to be certain that all of your entry information is correct, then click “Next” in the bottom right corner.
Scroll down this page to, once again, review & confirm that all the information on your entries is correct. Then click “Confirm”
To use your personal credit card or PayPal, *Better and very Secure* Click “Pay online” (You do not need a PayPal account to use your own credit card to pay your fee) If paying by personal check, stop here, log out, & mail correct fee to the FILE MANAGER, Ruth Vreeland
To use your PayPal account, fill in upper portion. Or To use your Credit Card click on this link.
Registration and Payment is Fill in your Credit Card information, Confirm, and your Registration and Payment is Complete! You are all done. Hooray!