Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. DC-Steady State 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in a Capacitor The current is … So the power is … [Top Hat] What do we get if we integrate power? Q1 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in a Capacitor The current is … So the power is … The energy, by integration… 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in a Capacitor The energy stored in the electric field between the plates of a capacitor is proportional to the square of its voltage: 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in a Capacitor If the voltage is a function of time, so is the energy stored in the capacitor: 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in an inductor The voltage in the inductor… The power in the inductor … The energy we find by integration 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in an Inductor The energy stored in the magnetic field surrounding an inductor is proportional to the square of its current: 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Energy in an Inductor If the current is a function of time, then the energy stored is also a function of time: 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Inductor in DC-SS In DC steady state, all currents are constant. In an inductor in DC-SS, its voltage is [Top Hat Q2] What is it? 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Capacitor in DC-SS In DC steady state, all voltages are constant. In a capacitor, its current is [Top Hat Q3] What is it? 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. SUMMARY DC = All sources are constant! SS = (steady state) A “long time” has passed since any switch was opened or closed (“loose” def). 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. SUMMARY II In DC-SS 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. SUMMARY III In general (not only in DC-SS) 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Top Hat summary review [Top Hat Q4] What two elements become “wires” under certain circumstances. [Top Hat Q5] What two elements become “open circuits” under certain circumstances. [Top Hat Q6] If I triple the voltage in an inductor, its energy becomes nine times larger. [Top Hat Q7] If I double the voltage in a capacitor, its energy triplicates. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Tutorial Time [Top Hat Q8] Compute the energy stored in both inductors and in the capacitor. …for a long time! 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. Tutorial Time 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.
Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003. 23/05/2018 Coyright(c) by L.R.Linares, 2003.