Internship Final Report Presentation Internship Advisor: Dr. Dalia M. Younis Student: Manal AL-Momen ID#: 200700528
Outline Introduction Bank Overview Conceptual Framework Technical Part Findings and Recommendations Conclusion References
Introduction Internship : Place Length Job title Work hours Other job requirements…..
Bank Overview Branch Team Company Background Products and Services 1957 246 branches 73 ladies 2,600 ATM’s Products and Services
Conceptual Framework Customer satisfaction Employee satisfaction
Technical Part Products Sales Marketing For a Product Establishing New Accounts Services Requests Daily Dispatch Secretary Tasks leading and filling forms with clients Other ….
Findings & Recommendations Focusing on customer services rather than trying to sell products because a satisfied client is more welling to buy products and easy to attract. More attention is required to the employees’ satisfaction to increase their performance and efficiency. High quality stationary and equipment's required for fast and easy services and more office supplies should be provided as back up. Systemic motivations should be implanted to notice employees if there is a problem or update with the banking system.
Conclusion Positives Negatives Acknowledgment
References Kotler, P., & Armstorng , G. (2010). Principles of Marketing (13th Edition ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Orgnaztional Chart ٍRiyad Bank . (2012, 5 18). Retrieved 1 6, 2013, from The Official Board: Riyad Bank - RIBL . (2013, 1 29). Retrieved 1 30, 2013, from GulfBase: summary-riyad-bank-ribl-40?pageid=39 Riyad Bank. (2010). Retrieved 1 10, 2013, from EMIS: profile/SA/Riyad_Bank__بنك_الرياض__en_1526038.html riyd (n.d.). Retrieved 1 5, 2012, from Riyad Bank: Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2009). Orgnizational Behavior (13th Edition ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education, Inc.