Wellness, Recovery, Action, Plan WRAP Cindy A. Schwartz
HISTORY Developed by Mary Ellen Copeland and a group of people dealing with mental health difficulties The mental health system didn’t provide the answers Survey- asked 125 people, “how do you get by?” People shared their struggles and helpful tips about wellness
Key Concepts of Recovery Hope Personal Responsibility Education Self-advocacy Support
Wellness Recovery Action Plan Approach to self determination We are the “experts” on ourselves WRAP evolved from developing a process of action planning WRAP can be used for any life challenge
Wellness Toolbox Developing a Wellness Toolbox Identify activities that you already do, would like to do or might like to try to make yourself feel better, stay well and make your life the way you want it to be List wellness tools as well as things to avoid
Daily Maintenance Plan Do-able plan for everyday to maintain wellness and move toward change/achieve what you want What I’m Like when I am well What I need to do every day to stay well Things I might need to do
Triggers External events or circumstances that knock us off balance These are unplanned things that happen that make you feel uncomfortable, upset or distressed Develop an action plan to deal with ways to avoid triggers or respond
Early Warning Signs Internal signals- subtle signs of change that indicate the need to take action These are things that you notice about yourself that let you know that you are not feeling well Develop a list and action plan
When things are breaking down In spite of your best efforts, you are feeling extremely uncomfortable and the situation has gotten much worse Develop a list of signs that things are breaking down Develop an action plan with specific information that you must do, how often you do them, when you do them and for how long
Crisis Plan Identify what you are like when you are well Identify signs that others need to take over Identify supporters and also people that you don’t want involved Identify medications and health care- that you want, are willing or don’t want
Crisis Plan Treatments Home/Community Care/Respite Center Treatment Facilities Help from Others In-activate plan when you can take back activities
Post-Crisis Plan Step down and time table for resuming activities Describe signs, lack of signs or actions that indicate supporters are no longer needed to use the crisis plan Develop a Post Recovery Supporters List Develop a timetable
For More Information Cindy A. Schwartz, MS, MBA cischwartz@jud11.flcourts.org