Mrs R Simmonds Head of Science GCSE Science Mrs R Simmonds Head of Science The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Why is science important? Equips you with skills that are desirable: Practical Investigative Critical thinking Problem-solving Working collaboratively The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools Course breakdown GCSE combined science (trilogy) – 2 GCSEs 1/3 biology content, 1/3 chemistry content, 1/3 physics content. Or GCSE separate sciences – 3 GCSEs GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools Exams Both routes are 100% exam based. Combined science will have 6 exams. Each separate science will have 3 exams. The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools Practical Work There are several required practical tasks which will be carried out in lessons and then questions set in the exam papers. Attendance for these practical lessons is very important! The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
What will we do to help you? Regular assessment using real exam papers and reported home using Praising stars © After school ‘Enrichment’ VMG Science Mentoring by the Director or One to One tutor Homework support The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools Homework Past exam questions and “long answer” tasks. Revision activities Educake The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
Your name
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools What can students do? Complete the set tasks in lessons and at home. Revise using active methods. Come organised for lessons. Equipment: Black pen Calculator Pencil Ruler The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools What can parents do? Support students in completing homework. Test students when they are revising. E-mail science teachers if you have any questions. The Outwood Grange Family of Schools
The Outwood Grange Family of Schools Any Questions? The Outwood Grange Family of Schools