Data and Products Service Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (of UNESCO) First Session ODINWESTPAC Advisory Group Meeting 27-28 January , Tianjin China Data and Products Service Current status and visions from the host center NMDIS /SOA/China
1 2 Outline Status of data sharing Visions on data and products service
Status of Data sharing 1 Marine meteorological, wave, sea surface temperature and salinity data from 13 China oceanographic stations : Xiaochangshan, Dalian, Yantai, Xiaomaidao, Lianyungang, Lvsi, Shengshan, Zhenhai, Dachen, Nanji,Beishuang, Dongshan, and Zhelang. Sea surface temperature and salinity, and marine meteorology data (air temperature, air pressure, humidity and wind) Data interval:hourly Temporal coverage :January 2010 to now Updating frequency:every month Wave data Data interval:4 times/day(8:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00) Temporal coverage :January 2010 to now Updating frequency:every month
Status of Data sharing 1 Monthly Mean Sea Level Delayed Mode Data from 6 China oceanographic stations : Dalian, Lvsi, kanmen, Zhapo, Nansha, and Xisha. Monthly mean sea level Temporal coverage : January 1996 to now Updating frequency: every month Delayed Mode Temperature and Salinity Data from 4 China oceanographic stations : Shidao, Xiaomaidao, Lianyungang and Yinshuichuan. Delayed mode sea surface temperature and salinity Temporal coverage : January 1996 to now Updating frequency: every month
Status of Data sharing 1 Wave Data from 4 China oceanographic stations : Shidao, Xiaomaidao, Lianyungang and Yinshuichuan. Wave data (wave direction and speed) Data interval:4 times/day(8:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00) Temporal coverage:January 1996 to now Updating frequency:every month
Status of Data sharing 1 Metadata information of the China oceanographic stations What is being observed?---parameters How ? ----instrument, frequency What had been done before data are publicly available?—QC? Quality assurance ? Who manage the data ? … Laohutan Marine Environment Monitoring Station
Status of Data sharing 1 Metadata of China oceanographic station observation Basic info of oceanographic stations Observation parameters Observation instruments Basic info of tide gauge Tide gauge benchmark Measurement records of tide gauge benchmark GNSS(GPS) observation information Tide gauge well and land subsidence information of adjacent areas Missing data of tide and reasons Environment info of wave observation Environment info of sea temperature and salinity observation Environment info of marine meteorological observation Missing data of wave and reasons Missing data of temperature and salinity and reasons Missing data of meteorology and reasons
1 2 Outline Status of data sharing Visions on data and products service 2
2 Visions on data and products service Our visions Explore the opportunity to share more observation data of China coastal seas and the related data and information products
2 Visions on data and products service Data sharing Continue to collect and share more data and metadata from China oceanographic station Moored buoy Tsunamimeter VOS observation data
Products R&D and service Visions on data and products service 2 Products R&D and service marine climate statistical product nowcasting product ocean reanalysis product
2 Visions on data and products service (1) marine climate Statistical product The Northwest Pacific Ocean Atlas Data sources: WOD13, Argo, GTSPP and offshore data in China Time range: 1971-2010 Spatial range: 100-170°E,0-50°N. Depth level: 0m, 5m,10m, 20m, 30m ,50m, 75m, 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m. Type of products: monthly statistics seasonal statistics
2 Visions on data and data products service (2) Nowcasting product The Northwest Pacific Ocean nowcasting product Parameters:three-dimensional temperature, salinity,acoustic velocity, density, geostrophic flow,sea surface height anomaly; Time range:1993-2013 Spatial range: 99°E-150°E, 10°S-52°N Grid resolution: horizontal 1/8°, vertical 51layers; Time resolution: daily mean Data form: binary dataset Update frequency: yearly
2 Visions on data and data products service (3) Reanalysis product Reanalysis product of China coastal waters and adjacent seas( included in the Northwest Pacific Ocean) Product parameters: sea level height, three-dimensional temperature, salinity and sea current Time range: 1958-2012 Spatial range: 99°E-150°E, 10°S-52°N Spatial resolution: horizontal 1/4° vertical 35 layers; Time resolution: daily mean Data form : binary dataset Update frequency: 2-3 years