The Rise of Ancient Greece - Vocabulary Packet
Archaeologist Definition: A scientist who studies earlier peoples and cultures.
Epic Definition: Long poem celebrating the deeds of a legendary or historical hero.
Polytheism Definition: Worship of many gods.
The Olympic Games Definition: A festival in ancient Greece consisting of athletic games and contests of choral poetry and dance, first celebrated in 776 b.c. and held periodically until a.d. 393 on the plain of Olympia in honor of the Olympian Zeus.
Polis (City-State) Definition: City-state of Ancient Greece. An independent state consisting of a city and the surrounding land and villages.
Citizen Definition: In ancient Greece, a person who took park in the government of a city-state.
Export Definition: To send or transport (a commodity, for example) abroad, especially for trade or sale.
Aristocrat Definition: Member of the nobility or upper class.
Tyrant Definition: In ancient Greece, a person who seized power and established one-man rule.
Oligarchy Definition: Form of government in which a small group holds political power.
Democracy Definition: Form of government in which the citizens hold power.
Assembly Definition: A group of persons gathered together for a common reason, as for a legislative, religious, educational, or social purpose.
Colony Definition: A settlement of people outside their homeland, linked with the parent country by trade and direct government control.
Constitution Definition: Plan of government.
The Peloponnesian League Definition: The name given to the alliance of Sparta and its allies during the Peloponnesian War.
The Delian League Definition: The name given to the alliance of Athens and its allies during the Peloponnesian War.