(9) The combining form thromb/o refers to: (a) Blood (b) Clot (c) Lymph (d) Vein (10) supra- (a) above (b) across (c) in (d) within
Apposed to become pregnant Common prefixes general Without voice Without air A phonia anaerobic A without an Against clotting Apposed to become pregnant Anticoagulation contraception Anti against or apposed to contra Not watered Dehydration De from or not
Away from normal abnormal Ab away from Around the heart pericardium Peri around Placed outside Secretion outside Outside a vessel Ectopic Exocrine extravascular Ecto outside Exo extra
Instrument for examination within Within little box Instrument for examination within Within skin Encapsulate Endoscope Intradermal En within Endo = Intra = Pertaining to upon skin Epidermal Epi upon Between the ribs Intercostal Inter between Beyond stopping metastasis Meta beyond or after
General prefixes Condition of difficult swallowing Dysphagia Dys =painful or difficult or faulty Normal thyroid function Euthyroid Eu =good or normal A new (abnormal) formation neoplasia Neo =new
Quantity or measurments prefixes Pertaining to two or both sides bilateral Bi= two or both Paralysis of half of the body Half moon Hemiplegia semilunar Hemi = half Semi =half Excessive fat in blood hyperlipidaemia Hyper = above or excessive Condition of below normal temperature hypothermia Hypo = below or deficient
Pertaining to one color Pertaining to one side Monochromatic Large cell Macrocyte Macro = large or long Small cell microcyte Micro = small Pertaining to one color Pertaining to one side Monochromatic Unilateral Mono = one Uni =one Condition of deficient urine Oliguria Oligo = Few or deficient Inflammation of all colon pancolitis Pan = all
Condition of much urine Pertaining to many cells Polyuria Multicellular Poly = many Multi Paralysis of all four limbs Quadriplegia Quadri = four Pertaining to above the kidney Beyond sound Three angles Suprarenal ultrasound triangle Supra =above or excessive Ultra = beyond tri = three
Prefixes of Time Before labor Before ripe Before knowing Ante partum Premature prognosis Ante =before Pre =before Pro =before Condition of slow heart Bradycardia Brady = slow Condition of fast heart beats tachycardia Tachy = fast After operation postoperative Post =after or behind To make active again Reactive Re =again or back