Roots List #1 Junior Vocabulary
1. A-, Ab-, Abs- (write on the left) What do you think these prefixes mean? Definition: (write on the right) Away; from; off What are some words you can think of that use these prefixes? Sample words: (write on the right; skip two) Avert Abnormal Abstain Abduct Abrupt Abstract Aversion
A-, An- What are some words you can think of that use these prefixes? Sample Words Apathy Atheist/ atheism (ist= one who) Anesthesia Anonymous Amoral (al= of or pertaining too) Anarchy/ anarchist anemia What do you think these prefixes mean? Definition Not; without
Acr-, Acro- What are some words you can think of that use these prefixes? Sample Words Acronym Acrobat Acrophobia (phobia= abnormal fear) Acropolis What do you think these prefixes mean? Definition High; height; topmost
Alt-, Alti- What are some words you can think of that use these prefixes? Sample Words Altar Altimeter (meter= a measure) Altitude What do you think these prefixes mean? Definition High; height
Ambi- What are some words you can think of that use these prefixes? Sample Words Ambidextrous Ambivalent Ambivert Ambilateral What do you think these prefixes mean? Definition Both
Ant-, Anti- What are some words you can think of that use these prefixes? Sample Words Antonym Antipathy Antibiotic Antifreeze Antacid Antitoxin What do you think these prefixes mean? Definition Against, opposite