Hyphens are used to… Combine words Spell some numbers and words Show a connection between the syllables of words that are broken at the ends of lines
Compound words Use a hyphen to connect 2 or more words that are combined into 1 word. Examples: over-react, father-in-law, on-site, five-year-old
More compounds A hyphen is used with a compound modifier Examples: well-made gloves, bright-eyed hikers, up-to-date map Exceptions: proper nouns or proper adjectives, adverbs (words ending in ly), and sometimes the dictionary will give you a different spelling Examples: class worksheet, doctor’s waiting room, Eastern European languages
Exceptions If a compound modifier follows a noun, it is NOT hyphenated Example: The backpacks were well made. Note if well made comes before backpacks, it is hyphenated: We all received well-made backpacks.
Other ways to use hyphens Wi-fi, co-workers, high-tech, re-elect: the hyphens are here to clarify the word With prefixes attached to proper nouns: ante-, anti-, mid-, post-, pre-, pro- Post-Renaissance With all words with the prefixes all-, ex-, and self- Self-employed