THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION Released late Fall, 2009 Presentations in progress to key groups in NYS ed. (SCDN, NYSCEA…)
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION The Impact of school library media programs: What the research says Frame presentation by identifying why a good SLMP is important
The Research – School Libraries Work! The Library Media Program plays an integral role in student achievement Strong programs with certified School Librarians have significant impact Syracuse University Study - Impact of New York’s School Libraries on Student Achievement and Motivation Many studies – summarized in School Libraries Work 19 states and Ontario have studies that prove quality library programs have a positive impact on student achievement Syracuse University is currently analyzing the impact of school library media programs on student achievement in NYS. Their study 2006-09 has found: Do school library programs, services and resources impact the learning achievement of students attending public schools in New York State? Finding: After controlling for the level of resources available to schools, the study found that students at schools with certified library media specialists have, on average, higher fourth grade ELA (English Language Arts) scores than students at schools without a certified library media specialist.
Regents Commission on Library Services Position: Every school in New York State should have an effective school library media program Staffed by a certified School Librarian The school library media program is an essential educational component Importance from perspective of Regents Commission
Regents Commission on Library Services Role of the Library Media Program: Focus on the New York State Learning Standards Integrate information literacy skills and core curricula Support and promote the national school library standards
AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner Four Learning Standards across four Strands Skills Dispositions Responsibilities Self Assessment Recently revised national standards support the need for the skills acquired through a strong library program. Summary brochure provides overview of 4 standards 4 Standards: Learners use skills, resources, & tools to: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. 4 Strands: Skills, Dispositions in Action, Responsibilities, Self Assessment
Why Evaluate the School Library Media Program ? To see school library media programs in relation to program standards To measure program with other school library media programs To plan program improvement to meet needs of students in reaching higher standards Value in evaluation: Measure against NYS standards Compare library programs Most important – to continue improvement
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric 25 Essential Element indicators Student focused Continuum of expectations Move incrementally forward Each section comprised of essential element indicators. Refer to rubric – first column on left shows the elements Illustrates program focus on student growth and achievement
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Who can use the SLMPE rubric? School Librarians Principals, Superintendents, Curriculum Coordinators & other administrators School Library System Directors Teachers Parents & Community Members Students Who should know about this? All stakeholders in SLMP
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric How to use the SLMPE rubric? Evaluate the library media program from the perspective of each stakeholder Collaboratively plan how to move toward excellence Purpose
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Questions to consider in using this tool: Is the direct connection between excellent teaching and learning and the Essential Elements in the SLMPE rubric understood? Recognized in your setting? Consider these questions in relation to your library program
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Questions to consider: Do your current professional development offerings correlate to one or more of the SLMPE rubric’s 25 "Essential Elements"?
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Questions to consider: How could you use this tool to help your district reach its goal of student success? Who are the stakeholders in your district (other than LMS) that could use this rubric?
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Current Reality: Librarians are under-tapped resources in some districts. School libraries are a value-added way to leverage resources. Schools are working to come to grips with the new paradigm of school libraries Where we are today more than a room with books New Paradigm: Library isn’t a place to go but a program integrated into school community A hub of teaching for learning Everyone owns the library media program Everyone contributes to the library media program
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Our Challenge Find a way to intentionally tap into the expertise and strengths of SLMP and use this to improve teaching and learning.
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric You can help Find a way to put school libraries on your agenda to facilitate the use of the SLMPE rubric to help raise student achievement What we ask of you
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric What We Are Doing SLS working with member LMS to: Create awareness & understanding of the tool Share how it is used in different districts Align the rubric with the improvement process What BOCES is doing. Goal: understanding of content & benefits gained by school, program & students (achievement) Communication Coordinator Meetings Staff Dev. Days (Mar.2) Presentations to Lib. Dept. meetings
SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM EVALUATION (SLMPE) rubric Resources for Action Planning for SLMP improvement or Adapted from Iowa Parent Information Resource Center Additional resources found at the SED website. Copies of the rubric available in WORD or .PDF formats
Leadership in the Development of the School Library Media Program Evaluation rubric Carolyn Hirst-Loucks Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Auburn Enlarged City School District Linda Fox Program Manager for Library Services Capital Region BOCES School Library System John P. Brock Associate, School Library Services CI&IT, NYSED JBROCK@MAIL.NYSED.GOV Joanne Shawhan Associate, School Library Services CI&IT, NYSED Key contacts & source of original .ppt