Public school libraries and test scores, is there a connection? Megan Setzer
copyright 2006 Introduction Test Scores More focus on them Libraries Out of date? 11/25/08 copyright 2006
Statement of the Problem Is there a connection between student’s performance on standardized tests and the amount of time students spend in their school library? 11/25/08 copyright 2006
copyright 2006 Keith Curry Lance, Ph.D. Libraries and Student Achievement: The importance of school libraries for improving student test scores Yes, but… 11/25/08 copyright 2006
Strong Library Media Program Has: Adequately stocked, staffed funded One full-time library media specialist One full-time aide Staff is involved in school Staff collaborate with classroom teachers Embraces technology 11/25/08 copyright 2006
copyright 2006 Measuring Up to Standards: The Impact of School Library Programs & Information Literacy in Pennsylvania Schools Keith Curry Lance Marcia J. Rodney Christine Hamilton-Pennell PSSA reading test scores increase with increases in: Staff hours Aide Librarian 11/25/08 copyright 2006
copyright 2006 My Hypothesis Students who spend more time in the library will do better on standardized tests. PSSA 4Sight 11/25/08 copyright 2006
copyright 2006 Participants Trained Media Specialists Students 7-12 Random Selection 11/25/08 copyright 2006
copyright 2006 The Situation: Trained Media Specialist Out for two weeks Library closed to: Study Hall SSR 11/25/08 copyright 2006
copyright 2006 Works Cited Hamilton-Pennell, C., Lance, K.C., Rodney, M. (2000). Measuring up to standards: The impact of school library programs & information literacy in Pennsylvania schools. Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries. Retrieved October 10, 2008, from Ebscohost Database. Roscello, F., Webster, P., (2002). Characteristics of school library media programs and classroom collections: Talking points. Albany, NY: Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Continuing Education, New York State Education Department. Retrieved October 10, 2009, from Academic Search Elite Database. Whelan, D. (2004). Why are charter schools lagging? Many solid library programs, access to more books may help boost student performance. School Library Journal. (Vol 50. Issue 10). P16-17. Retrieved September 16, 2008 from Ebscohost Database. 11/25/08 copyright 2006