LIBRARY STAFF LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST Mrs. Hirtreiter LIBRARY ASSISTANT Mrs. West Mrs.. Pokorski can make photocopies for you, find and check out books for you, sign passes. Clerks, can help you with research, computers, sign passes, write referrals. RESPECT
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY SHELTER IN PLACE LOCKOUT EVACUATION Drug dogs, medical emergency, flood Remain in current location, clear halls, close doors, ignore bells LOCKOUT Outside threat to students and staff Terminate outside activities, return to building Lock exterior doors and windows DONOT evacuate building if fire alarm sounds unless signs of fire are observed EVACUATION Fire Drill/alarm, gas leak Stop all activities and listen for directions Exit building If necessary, parents will be notified and given directions by administration
Facts About the Library Books are checked out for three weeks. Overnight for reference material All items can be renewed No limit to the number of items you can take out Please renew items ASAP or when you get an overdue notice in homeroom
HOW DO YOU SIGN UP TO USE THE LIBRARY FROM STUDY HALLS?? THE KEY IS TO SIGN-UP AHEAD OF TIME!!! The day before In the morning before second period With a signed research pass
WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET TO THE LIBRARY??? Check in at the Circulation Desk Remain in the library until the bell rings Passes will be given for one student at a time for lockers, lav, etc.
COMPUTER USE Must have a signed AUP on file For educational purposes only – NO GAMES Printing is free for school related work. Personal printing is prohibited
RULES Be on time Work quietly Sign up in advance Four students to a table No food or drinks allowed No cell phones
CONSEQUENCES Warning 2ND OFFENSE 1ST OFFENSE Warning 2ND OFFENSE -Sent back to study hall. Privileges revoked until the end of the day Library privileges may be revoked at any time at the library staff’s discretion Code of Conduct Rules are in effect at all time and take precedence over library rules