SEWA SIKHISM - KS1 and SEN This presentation aims to introduce children at KS1 and children with special needs to the concept of Sewa in Sikhism. This can be defined as, ‘selfless service to others’ – helping others first without thinking of yourself. Sikhs do service to God (Waheguru), their community (Khalsa) and to others in need.
Why is it important for Sikhs to help others? The Big Question Why is it important for Sikhs to help others? Image: A Sikh gives out food to people in Mumbai, India. There have been floods and lots of people have not been able to get food, so he is helping people in need. This introduction to the idea of sewa in Sikhism begins with a big question. In this case, the question is ‘Why is it important for Sikhs to help others?’ Show this picture to children and encourage them to think about what is happening. Why is the Sikh man giving food? Is he just helping Sikh people or is he doing kind deeds to all people? What has made him think of doing this?
Sikh beliefs about helping Sikhs work hard in the gurdwara, giving others free food. This hard work is called Tan. Show this slide and ask the children whether they think these women are making food just for themselves, and why or why not. Explain that they are making food for others because they want to share the food in a free communal kitchen called langar. The langar was started by the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak, who believed in equality and everyone being one. God’s light, he believed, was in all hearts. The amazing langar at the Golden Temple can be seen here:
Sikh beliefs about helping Sikhs read and listen to their holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. This devotion is called Man. The words guide them to help others. Explain that the symbol in the background is the Ik Onkar. This means ‘One God’, the key teaching in Sikhism. The teachings in the Guru Granth Sahib help Sikhs to think of all people as members of the human race. Everyone is equal and so we must help others, whatever their religion or background. The Guru Granth Sahib is more than a book, but is the last Guru for the Sikhs – a spiritual teacher. Show the children a film about the gurdwara, e.g., Stop the film at key points to ask the children how the gurdwara encourages Sikhs to show that they care about God and other people.
Sikh beliefs about helping Sikhs like to help people with charity and by doing good deeds. This is called Dhan. Here Sikhs are going on a charity bike ride to raise money for a Sikh helpline. The learning outcome ‘Say something about how and why followers of this tradition try to help others’ can be explored.
Show your understanding While listening to Sikh recitation, quietly do something to help around the classroom. It could be sharpening pencils, cleaning a table, sorting out books, or putting flowers in a vase. Afterwards, share how it has felt to help others. Provide small activities for pupils to do around the classroom which enable them to help and to do service for others. Explore whether they should accept money or other rewards to do these activities. Ask the children why they think Sikhs do these good deeds? Do they do it for money?
Wider meaning Show the children this slide and ask: How does this picture show sewa? Explain that this is a Sikh who is cleaning shoes in the gurdwara for sewa. Someone doing sewa is called a sevadar. Cleaning shoes is considered an act of humility. That is, it is regarded as a lowly task that some people might think they are too important for. Explain that sewa is not done for any personal gain but so you think of others, not yourself.
How did Guru Nanak show sewa? Exploring teachings How did Guru Nanak show sewa? Help children go to the next step in their thinking about service, by identifying the concept in a Sikh religious story, for example, when Nanak helped the holy men in the forest. This story can be found here