Welcome to our induction evening for Year 4


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to our induction evening for Year 4 Together in partnership we can ensure your child is happy, healthy, safe and fulfils their potential.

The Year 4 team Mrs Lyons – Class teacher. English and HRSE subject leader Mrs Webster – main teaching assistant in our class, supporting groups of children and individuals. Mrs Mather – TA in Year 3 but manages outside during KS2 lunch break. Mrs Nel – teaching assistant -Supports groups of children and individuals on Wednesdays Parent helpers – Mr Holford, Mrs Carr and Mrs Swarbrick. Mrs Curtis - Teaches the children art on Thursdays. Madame Jefferson – teaches French on Friday mornings. Mr Nay – Our School Specialist Sports coach Mrs Maddox – Flute teacher – Tuesday afternoons

Afternoon session: 1.50pm – 3.30pm School Day School opens at 8.45am and registration closes at 9.00am – morning learning activity First lesson 9.00am- 10.20am Break and snack 10.20 – 10.35am Second lesson 10.35- 11.35am Break and snack 11.35am – 11.50pm Third lesson 11.50pm-1.00pm Lunch: 1.00pm – 1.50pm Afternoon session: 1.50pm – 3.30pm

Essentials Water Bottles Snack time Medicine Medical conditions/inhalers Dinner money (parentpay) Trip money (parentpay) Uniform (colour of shoes, trainers, earrings, nail varnish.) Up to date contact and medical information. Tonight’s paperwork

Class information PE days – Tuesday (outdoor- this half term. Indoor next half term.) Thursday – swimming Weekly homework – Given out Friday to be completed by Thursday. About homework in Year 4. Photos and mobiles not allowed – even in playground. We will take photos and put in learning gallery Website information – homework, newsletter, dates, class page. Please check blog and dates often! http://www.ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk/ My email a.lyons@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk My planning time out of class – Thursday afternoon Our class assembly Tuesday 17th October Trip to Preston university – Monday 4th December

What is a Growth Mindset?

Year 4 is a year to learn vital skills. Some of these include: Being an avid reader who raises questions, analyses and engages deeply with what they read. Able to make points and give evidence from the text. Deeply widening their vocabulary in order to deepen understanding Mastering many aspects of the grammar of our language – how sentences are put together, when narrative or dialogue is used and why, when to use formal language and when to use informal. Being a thoughtful, descriptive writer who writes for an audience and uses different styles for different purposes. Being a confident speller with a bank of strategies and spelling rules to tackle an unknown word. Being able to understand and work confidently with numbers up to 10,000 and also numbers to 2 decimal places. Use different methods for calculations including the grid method and chunking. Being able to suggest ways to carry out fair tests in Science

Learning in Year 4 We learn if we are MOTIVATED! So this year, your children will become plant experts, learn all about the UK in Geography and the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in History! The Vivid Vikings Amazing Plants Anglo Saxon Life A much more detailed curriculum overview for every subject across the year in Year 4 is available on the website under Year 4 – overview learning.

Reading and Vocabulary It is so important that we encourage a love of reading and words with the children, it is the gateway to learning. It is still important to hear them read aloud to you. Encourage them now to entertain through their tone and show their understanding by using expression. Explain the meaning of any new words they come across. Lets fuel their reading desire by listening to them read, reading to them, with them and discussing stories. Our school approach – About Accelerated reader

Good attendance is important If possible dental and doctors appointments should be made out of school time. Missing just one session can mean that a child misses a vital building block for their learning Leave during term time is now only authorised in exceptional circumstances (by the head teacher or governors) There is a form on the parents section of the website to request leave during term time.

Together in partnership we can ensure your child is happy, healthy, safe and fulfils their potential. a concern shared early can be easily resolved Let’s share celebratory moments about your child! Curriculum Evening – Thursday 16th November-6.30pm

It is a true delight to be teaching your children again this year.. We really look forward to working in partnership with you . Questions If you would like to speak to any of us tonight, please feel free to do so. Please don’t forget to collect paperwork and sign for it. Thanks for listening