CATIA Mechanical Design Example
CATIA Mechanical Design Example Connecting Rod
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 1. Start menu - Mechanical Design => Part Design - Specification Tree - xy plane - Sketcher - Draw a Circle of radius 12mm -
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 2. Pad (check Mirrored extent ) - 10mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 3. xy plane - Sketcher - Arc of radius 25mm - distance between 2 circles 120mm - Exit
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 4. Line
5. Pad (Mirrored extent) - 10mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 6. xy plane - Sketcher - Profile - Set constraint - Exit
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 7. Pad (Mirrored extent ) - 5mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 8. Select the face on small circle of model - Sketcher - Draw a circle of radius 7.5mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 9. Pocket
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 10. Select the face on larger cicle part - Sketcher - Draw a circle of radius 15mm - Exit
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 11. Pocket
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 12. Sketcher( on the connecting body ) - Draw 2 Arcs on both sides (colored red in figure below) - radius 5mm, 7mm - Draw 2 lines connecting 2 arcs - Exit
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 13. Pocket - 4mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 14. To make a same Pocket on the opposite side of the connecting body, After selecting the pocket, run the function Mirror like figure below
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 15. To make bolt up region - Sketch(figure) - Circle radius 7mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 16. Pocket - 10mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 17. select the Pocket and Mirror (zx plane)
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 18. Select the proper plane(figure) - Sketch - 4mm radius circle
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 19. Pocket - Up to last
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 20. Mirror (zx plane) the pocket
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 21. Select proper plane(figure) - Sketcher - 17mm radius Circle
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 22. Pocket - 1mm
CATIA Mechanical Design Example 23. Mirror(xy plane)