Girls’ Uniform Boys’ Uniform Blouse Plain white with shirt-style collar. Skirt Plain black, knee length, no splits. Trousers Plain black, tailored (not skin tight, not jeans, not jeans-style, no large belts). ‘V’ Neck Jumper Black badged – School logo jumper (No cardigans) . Shoes Black with low heels. Leather / leather-like. Trainers are not allowed. No sports-style shoes with sports logos/ branding/trims. No boots. Socks/Tights White/Black/Neutral – plain (no patterns). Tie School tie. Coats/Jackets Predominantly dark. Smart, suitable for all weather conditions. No denim. No hoodies or sports tops. Piercings One small stud in each earlobe only. Girls’ Uniform NO NO NO NO Shirt Plain white with shirt style collar. Trousers Plain black, tailored (not skin tight, not jeans, not jeans-style , no large belts). ‘V’ Neck Jumper Black badged – School logo jumper (No cardigans). Shoes Black with low heels. Leather / leather-like. No sports- style shoes with sports logos/ branding/ trims. Trainers are not allowed. No boots. Socks White/Black/Neutral – plain (no patterns) Tie School tie. Coats/Jackets Predominantly dark. Smart, suitable for all weather conditions. No denim. No hoodies or sports tops. Piercings One small stud in each earlobe only. Boys’ Uniform Summer Uniform (A polo shirt (white, with school badge) may be worn in the summer term. Jumpers must still be worn as part of the summer uniform. TNS Pastoral Doc