St. Osmund’s Middle School New Parents’ Evening 2017 Welcome to St. Osmund’s Middle School
Inspire – Empower - Achieve St.Osmund’s is a school built upon Christian values. We aim to inspire and empower all to be active life-long learners who achieve their potential and contribute positively to the world. Inspire – Empower - Achieve
Senior Leadership Team Headteacher: Mr Williams Assistant Headteachers: Mr Beet & Ms Brady School Business Manger: Mrs Golledge Leader for Staff Learning: Mrs Boon Leader for Pupil Well Being: Mr Absolom
The Year 5 Tutors Miss Willis (Year Leader) (5Ws) Mrs Munns and Miss Hewitt (5Lm) Mrs Boon and Ms Landells (5Ae) Mr Harland (5Sh) Mrs Minhinnick and Mrs Christian (5Cm) Miss Lane (5Le)
Links Year 4 Science Days DASP Concerts Visits by Education Extra Team Year 4 and 5 Literacy and Maths teachers meetings and watching classes Extra visits for key pupils Termly meetings between Heads and subject leaders to share academic performance Transition – Helen Pegram
Helen Pegram Transition Learning Mentor ‘Children who make a smooth transition and experience school success tend to maintain higher levels of social competence and academic achievement’ (Alexander & Entwhistle, 1988; Earley, Planta, and Cox 1999; Luster and McAdoo, 1996 Shepard and Smith, 1998) The Role Develop good relationships with all children, their parents and staff within schools Establish a good working knowledge of all children To support children in challenges facing them on transition from First to Middle school
Communication Tutor Head of Year – Miss Willis Assistant Headteachers – Mr Beet or Ms Brady Headteacher – Mr Williams Tel: 01305 262897 Email:
What’s coming up next term? Welcome Service in St Mary’s Church Lorton Meadows Trip Parents’ evenings with tutors Christmas Carol Service Activities Week in May 2018 And lots more… Parental Involvement has been shown to impact positively on children’s achievement – so get involved! Please help your child with their reading, spellings, homework and projects. Please support your child with the organisation of their belongings and equipment Let us know what you think – we strive to do better!
The home-school link book to be with pupil at all times for recording independent learning and important events includes timetable and other useful information to communicate - parent to teacher to communicate - teacher to parent to be signed every week by a parent and the tutor [it will be checked every week]
Year 5 Curriculum
School Uniform Boys: Dark grey / black trousers Girls: Grey skirt or dark grey / black trousers. Summer dresses- Summer Term only. White shirt (not a polo shirt) Tie* Plain socks – grey or black St. Osmund’s sweatshirt * * Available from School office
P.E. Kit Winter Kit Indoor / Summer Kit * available from school office Blue shorts * St. Osmund’s T-shirt * St. Osmund’s rugby shirt * Long blue football socks * Trainers / football boots Indoor / Summer Kit Plain sports socks Trainers * available from school office
Year 8 Buddies & Buddy+ letter written met today tour of school support and friendship throughout the first year in school regular planned activities, such as Making Day friendly face in the playground Judith talking to this slide then playing video
Clubs, Activities & Support Sports – lots! Music – lots! Mrs Pugh available tonight Art Drama Gardening And a whole lot more!
Enrichment The 5 key skills are: Being able to work independently Being organised Being a positive citizen Participating fully Thinking things through
Examples of activities: Creative cats get crafty Jewellery making Cartoon drawing Make, Bake and Decorate Love Books Japanese Bike maintenance and fitness Street Soccer
Education Extra Team Mr Absolom: SEN Lead + ‘Wellbeing’ Leader Mrs Nita Dooley : SENCO
Attainment vs Achievement?