Pontlliw Primary School Welcome to Year 3! Pontlliw Primary School
Staff: Class Teachers: Mrs. Bennett: Monday & Tuesday Miss Frost: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Teaching Assistants:
Our Aims: To support children adapting to the Year 3 routine. To build on the skills already acquired within the foundation phase and encourage cross curricular use (numeracy & literacy). To continue to develop the children’s independence and maturity. To provide a balanced and stimulating curriculum differentiated to suit the needs of each child.
Summer Term: The Rainforest Class Topics: Autumn Term: Ancient Egypt Spring Term: Light & Sound Summer Term: The Rainforest
Daily Timetable: Morning: 8:50am - 9:00am: Registration 9:00am – 9:20am: Guided Reading 9:20am – 10:40am: English 11:00am – 12:05pm: Mathematics Afternoon: 1:00pm – 1:10pm: Welsh Drilling* 1:10pm – 2:10pm: Topic 2:20pm – 3:20pm: Topic children to line up on the junior yard in the morning. children will be dismissed via the infant yard at the end of the day.
Physical Education: P.E Kit: Children will be expected to change into their P.E kit in school. Navy jogging bottoms/shorts and white polo shirt to be worn. Our P.E. sessions will be on Tuesdays (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoor). Swimming: 7/8 week course during the summer term.
Homework: Reading Reading books need to be brought to school every day, in order for us to help your child develop their reading skills whenever possible. In KS2, we aim to listen to the children read 2/3 times a week. Your comments in your child’s reading diary are very important and help us to support you with helping your child’s reading development at home as well as in school. Children’s reading books should be challenging! Children should be able to read most of the words, but still need to look up the meaning of some words. Encourage children to read non-fiction books at home.
Homework continued: Spelling Children will be given a list of spelling words to learn every week. Spelling words will be differentiated. Spelling Tests will be every Tuesday. Maths Maths homework will be set every Friday. Homework will build on the skills that have been taught that week – Active Learn. Regular practise of times table recall. *HWB
Behaviour & Rewards: This year, our class will be using ClassDojo! In order to create a positive culture in our classroom, the children will be encouraged and praised for any skill or value – whether it’s working hard, being kind, helping others or something else.
Thank you for your continued support Thank you for your continued support. We hope your child enjoys their first year in juniors! Any questions …