The Gold Rush in California
The Gold Rush People rush to California in search of Gold and riches on the West Coast Most People preferred the dangerous trip around Cape Horn or Panama Railroad Companies started cutting through Native American Territories
The Government has a Plan Early on the US Government had planned on putting Native Americans on Reservations Early Treaties though restricted the Native Americans to Large Areas Americanization began immediately as their lands decreased and treaties were broken.
What is Assimilation? Why Was Americanization difficult for Native American’s Let’s Define their way of Life as Nomadic and compare that to life in cities or farming. Their spiritual beliefs are also very different that Christianity
Native Americans Fight Back 1851 - The Fort Laramie Treaty is signed between the US and several Native Tribes of the Plains. It was designed to give the land in South Dakota to the tribes to Create Peace between Indians and Settlers.
Violence Explodes 1862 - Violence starts when young Sioux Warriors kill 5 White Settlers in Minnesota. Army’s were sent out to Minnesota by Abe Lincoln to stop the Violence The Sioux tribe was divided into two and settler brought horror stories of Natives back to the East Coast
Chivington Massacre Chivington Massacre occurred when 450 Cheyenne were killed in their sleep at sand Creek “I want no Peace until Indians Suffer More” This brought on 4 years of brutal fighting on the plains
The Buffalo are destroyed General Phillip H. Sheridan takes Command of forces in the West and find a successful way to take down the Natives Way of Life. He orders the destruction of the Buffalo and pays hunters to slaughter them.
Custer’s attacks 1866 - George Custer attacks a Cheyenne village on the Washita River and kills Black Kettle and over 100 men, women, and children. 1871 - Congress passes the Indian Appropriations Act which essentially makes all Indian Wards of the Federal Government and dissolves all tribes
Gold in Black Hills 1874 - Custer Announces the discovery of Gold in the Black Hills - land given to the Native Americans. This creates a massive influx of white settlers and the Lakota treaty was violated
The Lakota War Begins 1875 - The Lakota War begins over violation of the Fort Laramie Treaty by the US Government 1876 Custer’s Last Stand or the Battle of Little Bighorn. 264 Soldiers are killed by Lakota warriors led by Crazy Horse
Surrenders 1877 - Crazy Horse Surrenders at Fort Robinson Congress Repeals the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 and takes back the Black Hills and shrinks Lakota Land 1881 - Sitting Bull Surrenders to General Alfred Terry
Surrrenders 1886 - Geronimo surrenders at skeleton Canyon and agrees to settle in Florida 1890 - Lakota Chief Big Foot and 350 followers are massacred at Wounded Knee. This traditionally considered the End of armed conflict in the Indian Wars.
Wounded Knee II 1968 - 200 members of the American Indian Community came together to discuss various issues 1973 - A large group of armed Native Americans reclaimed Wounded Knee. 12 Native Americans were killed in the occupation called rebirth
The myths of the Cowboy 1. The cowboy life was glamorous.ハ Myth: It was very difficult working 18-hour days and the long trail rides were sometimes boring. 2. Most cowboys had small or medium physical frames.ハ Truth:ハ Large men were too heavy to ride mustangs.
The myths of the cowboy 3. A cowboy would ride his favorite horse all day.ハ Myth: Cowboys would ride a string of horses depending on what task was at hand. For example, a mild horse would be used at night and a quick horse would be used for cattle roping and tending.
The Myths of the Cowboy 4. Many Texas cowboys were Mexican or African-American.ハ Truth: During the Cowboy Era (1866-1886) one sixth of the cowboys were Mexican, and many others were African-American or Native American
The Myths of the Cowboy 5. Most Texas cowboys were older, experienced wranglers.ハ Myth: Most cowboys were young men who learned on the job 6. Women could not be cowboys. Myth: Several women owned ranches and ran their own cattle drives, including Amanda Burks and Lizzie Johnson.
The myths of the Cowboy 7. Cowboys often had to fight off Native Americans.ハ Myth:ハ Cowboys rarely if ever fought Native Americans. 8. The word メcowboyモ was invented in Texas.ハ Myth:ハ Actually, the job of a メcowboyモ came from the Mexican and Spanish メvaquero.モ Many cowboy words and practices come from the Spanish language and Mexican culture.ハ
Spanish and English Words Here are a few examples of Spanish and English words related to ranching: Vaca = Cow Ranchero = Rancher Corro = Corral Meste撲s = Mustangs Cocinero = Cook
The Cattle Drive Describe the Parts of a Cattle Drive and the dangers they could face in your notes.