Mr. Robert M. Fritsch 350-4255 ext. 1207 World Civilization [Western Civilization is probably more accurate as we will focus on Western Europe and America from the Renaissance (@1300) to the break-up of the Soviet Union (@2000)]
A little about myself Attended the University of Notre Dame Have lived in Idaho 24 years Have been teaching for 16 years (all at Eagle Middle!!) Wife is the School Psychologist at Mountain View High School Son attends Western Washington University
Binders Each student is advised to have a dedicated binder or section of a large binder for this class. This binder should always have the active Warm Up sheet, the active vocabulary list, the active pink Vocab Quiz sheet and all the notes for the semester.
Warm-Ups Each class starts with the students completing the Warm-Up question located on the right-hand side of the front board. The students must complete the date and then answer the question in a complete sentence that restates the question on the Warm-Upform (see below) provided for them. I collect this for a grade at the end of the week. The students earn 1 point for each part per day so typically the assignment is worth 15 points per week. Warm Ups Mr. Fritsch’s World Civilization Name: Monday Date: Question:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Answer:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday Date:
Homework Time is given in class sufficient to complete most assignments, except for longer projects or quarter long assignments. If further time is required for the assignment or if a student misses a reading assignment or parents want to get an idea of what we are studying the textbook (myWorld History) can be accessed on line by: Accessing at home: > Parent/Student tab > Educational Apps > Easy Bridge icon Username: your school username followed (cannot change) Password: your school computer password Further time to complete assignments in any class is Colt Time (which is every Friday during the school day) or Homework Club. Homework club is available Mon-Thurs, supervised by a Team Odyssey teacher, running from 3:15 to 4:00. (see poster in hallway or ask a Team Odyssey teacher for details. Information for completing the homework may also be found under the Qtr. 1 ( or the ac page of my website. (see next slide)
Vocabulary Lists/Quizzes One aspect that poses difficulties for students of World Civ. is the profusion of new terms and names. The best thing to help with this learning is to work diligently on memorizing the vocabulary lists. We will have a vocabulary quiz every Thurs. The format will be that I will read the definitions of vocabulary words (mentioned or encountered in a reading at least one time in class) and the student will have to write the word (spelling not counting). Example of the form on next slide. After four weeks the quiz form is collected for a grade. If a student scores less than a 24/40 they may re-take 20 new vocab. words before school, after school or during Colt Time. The active Vocabulary list can be found on a link on my website.
Sample Quiz form Name______________________ Period________ /40 Period________ /40 Weekly Vocabulary Quiz (2 points for correctly knowing the vocabulary term) Spelling DOES NOT Count Write in Pen Please [Maximum Score 40/40] Quiz One: 10 Quiz Two: 10 1) ____________________ 1) ____________________ 2) ____________________ 2) ___________________ 3) ____________________ 3) ___________________ 4) ____________________ 4) ___________________ 5) ____________________ 5) ___________________ Sample Quiz form
Vocabulary Lists/Quizzes Cont. A good resource to help students practice their vocabulary words is It consists of various drills and games utilizing our selected vocabulary lists. I have a link to it on the Link page of my website. Once on you must : Search=eaglemiddleschool to find my vocab lists to work with.
Grades Grades are weighted, meaning they are not calculated on a straight percentage based on total number of points possible. Weights: Tests= 35% Quizzes= 25% Classwork/Homework= 25% Projects=5% End of Course Test (semester cumulative)= 10% The “Projects” category will include 1 in-class 5 paragraph essay and 3 outside of class quarter long projects. Details will be given to students and posted on the Assignment/Information page of my website. 1st Quarter= Current Event Timeline 2nd Quarter= Document Based Question (“DBQ”) in-class essay 3rd Quarter= Historical Novel Board Builder (worked on in conjunction with Ms. Patterson’s Reading class but counting as an individual project grade in each specific class with differing requirements.) 4th Quarter= Pick 3 Projects on the Korean and Vietnam Wars
I am looking forward to the year with your Students!! I am easiest to contact via e-mail. Feel free to contact me with any question or concern. Also feel free to visit our classroom at your pleasure. I am looking forward to the year with your Students!!