An Overview for Contract Custodial Companies Cleaning for Health An Overview for Contract Custodial Companies January 10, 2017 Joanna Pi-Sunyer Green Schools Coordinator, Operations Office
Why are we here? We need your help! Custodians can help lead the way for City Schools to be “green” Maryland law and City Schools policy requires green cleaning products be used in all school buildings Maryland law and City Schools policy requires each school to recycle Conserving utilities is crucial since City Schools spends about $3 million each year on electricity, oil, gas, steam and water We need your help!
Cleaning for Health State law requires school districts to use less toxic cleaning products for health of custodians, building occupants, and the environment City Schools regulation has same requirements Products must be certified
Cleaning for Health – WHY? Conventional products can cause health problems for custodians, building occupants, and the environment Children are more vulnerable than adults Cleaning products are only one part keeping buildings clean: Reduce clutter Use entry mats to catch dirt and dust Keep trash and recycling bins neat
Contract Custodians Must annually submit Form 1 stating compliance with state law and City Schools policy – send via registered mail to Joanna May buy Diversey products from SupplyWorks or use own green products
Form 1 from Administrative Regulation ADG-RC (click on underlined words for links to website)
Staff Custodians City Schools conducted pilot and selected Diversey daily cleaners Automatically mixes chemical with water Dispenses to a spray bottle or bucket Uses cold water Disinfectant is hydrogen- peroxide-based
disinfectant, bathrooms Stride floors Alpha HP disinfectant, bathrooms PerDiem all purpose
OxivirTB Only for high school gyms Ready-To-Use (RTU) product Expensive! OxivirTB wrestling mats, weights, etc. Also, recycle all bottles and packaging!
Wall Chart Note: Kitchen, other cleaning products (e.g., floor stripping, hand soap), and paper products NOT yet selected
SupplyWorks – the distributor If you do not already have a pricing agreement, SupplyWorks will extend City Schools pricing to you Diversey products are just some of the green products offered Contact Mark Groft at
Schools with staff AND contract cleaners Staff custodians: Will get at least one dispenser and set of chemicals for their use Will receive on-site training from SupplyWorks Contract custodians: May use their own Diversey dispensers and chemicals May use other products that meet the green standard May request permission to use a non-green product if no comparable green product exists
Recycling ALL schools must recycle paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal. * Ask your point of contact at all schools about which items they are separating
Recycling Mix it all together paper, cardboard, cans, glass and plastic bottles metal, milk and juice cartons, plastic cups, binders, etc. Some schools keep paper separate
Conserve Energy Be a leader in energy conservation and be alert for energy waste Turn off lights if area unoccupied for 10+ minutes, esp. gym, auditorium and cafeteria) Alert building manager if timers for outdoor lighting are not working Turn off machines and equipment when not needed Unplug unused equipment, especially before breaks and holidays Close windows and doors if heat or a/c is running Turn off window a/c when the room not used Lower blinds to block sun Keep the air vents clear - do not cover
Resources – Online Toolkits Cleaning for Health Recycling Energy Conservation Baltimore City Public Schools Green Schools Coordinator Joanna Pi-Sunyer 200 E. North Ave., Room 407A Baltimore, MD 21202 443-642-4542 SupplyWorks Account Executive Mark Groft 410-596-4084
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