Drugs acting on Nervous System Ephedra PH103.33
DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH Name : R.D.L.P.Christian Designation : Lecturer in pharmacy Branch : Pharmacy Institute : GPW, Srikakulam(088) Year : I year Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject Code : PH-103 Topic : Drugs acting on Nervous System Sub-Topic : Ephedra Duration : 50 min. Teaching Aids : PPT, Photographs PH103.33
Recap In the last class we discussed about The CNS plant drug WITHANIA Withania contains Steroidal alkaloids and steroid lactones which are having a variety of activities PH103.33
Objectives On completion of this lesson you would be able to learn about The monograph of the CNS Drug EPHEDRA PH103.33
Known to Unknown Have you seen Asthma patient? Can you name some drugs used for Asthma? Don’t you know that the alkaloid from Ephedra stem cure Asthma? PH103.33
Ephedra Fig.33.1 Ephedra herb PH103.33
Syn: Ma-Haung, Ephedra stem Biological Source : Dried young stem of Ephedra gerardiana (India) Ephedra nebrodensis (India) Ephedra sinica (China) Ephedra equisetina (China) Family : Ephedraceae Geographical Source: China, Pakistan, Australia, Kenya Spain, Yugoslavia Northwest part of India Fig.33.2 Ephedra stem PH103.33
Cultivation, Collection, Preparation Cultivated at an altitude of 2500-3000m Propagated by seeds, layers or divisions of root stocks Seeds are sown in early spring Spacing 5cm between two plants and 1m between two rows 4 year plants are collected and extracted for alkaloids Alkaloid content maximum in autumn, when plant is dark in colour. Twigs are dried in Sun Fig.33.3 Ephedra herb PH103.33
Morphological Characters Ephedra is a Gymnospermous plant Stems are woody, cylindrical, grey to greenish colour, about 5mm thick Shows internodes at a distance of about 3-3.5cm Bears scales leaves in a whorl of 2 Bears a terminal bud Male spikes are solitary, ovate, sessile and crowded Fig.33.4 Ephedra herb PH103.33
Chemical Constituents Ephedra contains Amino alkaloids Ephedrine Nor - Ephedrine N - methyl Ephedrine Pseudo Ephedrine Nor pseudo - ephedrine Fig.33.5 Ephedra herb PH103.33
Chemical Tests Ephedrine dissolved in water and HCl CuSO4 & NaOH Violet red colour Shaken with solvent ether Organic layer (Purple) Aqueous layer (Blue) PH103.33
Uses Ephedra shows Sympathomimetic activity Used as a Bronchodilator in Asthma In allergic conditions like Hay fever, Bronchitis, Whooping cough To correct low B.P because of its peripheral contraction of arterioles Ephedrine shows prolonged action than adrenaline as it is slowly hydrolysed by MAO PH103.33
Allied Species Ephedra intermedia (India & Pakistan) Ephedra major Ephedra helryetica Ephedra distachya PH103.33
The CNS Plant drug EPHEDRA Summary In this class we discussed about The CNS Plant drug EPHEDRA Ephedra contains Amino alkaloids Having Sympathomimetic activity PH103.33
Quiz 1. The active constituents in Ephedra are a) Glycosides b) Saponins c) Resins d) Alkaloids PH103.33
Quiz 2. Ephedra alkaloids are having a) Sympatholytic activity b) Sympathomimetic activity c) Cholinergic activity d) None of the above PH103.33
Frequently Asked Questions 1. Write the botanical source and morphological characters of Ephedra 2. Write the chemical constituents and uses of Ephedra 3. Mention the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of a plant yielding Alkaloids PH103.33