Welcome to HONORS Chemistry http://www.mrshdppchs.com
Mhernandez@pinescharter.com Mrs H-D 17 year at PPCHS! Science Department Chair SNHS & Science Club Sponsor Bachelor of Science in Biological Science, FIU Master of Science in Science Education Attend AP seminars, Broward County Science Department Head meetings and professional development seminars Always researching ways to motivate students and get curriculum delivered Work closely with a group of outstanding teachers in our department
Chemistry Content &Delivery Pre-AP track Central theme is matter,principles of structure, matter-energy relationships, mole concept, thermodynamics, theory, chemical change and equations We cover these topics by means of hands-on laboratory investigations, promote student inquiry, textbook readings, assignments and projects Implement common core reading and writing standards Jupitered and www.mrshdppchs.com Opt out of midterm/final with A or B
What student’s need EVERYDAY 1-2 subject spiral with pockets or 3 ring binder graph paper (for labs) pens, pencils, white out, stapler at home, scientific calculator with EE, EXP key Must have a calculator every day
GRADING Tests 40% Quizzes 20% Projects/Labs 15% Homework/Classwork 15% Notebook/articles 10% Students must be reading textbook and reviewing material covered in class (written in notebook) Time management
Tutorial websites & videos sent via Jupiter and on my website http://khanacademy.org/science/chemistry http://bozemanscience.com/chemistry Tyler DeWitt u-tube videos
Basic rules/procedures HW is reviewed in class and not accepted late. Honesty and integrity is demanded; learning does not take place when students copy work. Students may not “work together” on assignments that require individual work. The only info shared in lab is the data. (consequence is a zero and a referral)
SNHS PEER TUTORING Tuesday during Homeroom I am available as needed- Students need to confirm day
Science department wish list 3-pack Paper towels Colored Copier paper Gloves 12 oz or larger Hand sanitizer Hand soap dispensers Scientific calculator Tissues
SNHS & Science Club Mrs HD and Dr Glenn Science Bowl Science Olympiad Chemistry Olympiad Science Day School-wide recycling program (volunteer hours) Beach Clean at Hollywood Beach Community service opportunities such as His House (Foster House) item collection S.T.E.M. lectures series -need parent volunteers