Digital Signature Service PKI SOLUTION FOR eOffice, eContract, eGovernment
Advanced Electronic Signatures Link a signature with an identity Capable of identifying the signatory Integrity verification possible Under control of signatory Please write down of contents explanation for Business Area.
Signature Specification e-Signature Expert Group: ETSI AdES
Digital Signature Service XAdES: XML, ZIP documents PAdES: PDF documents eID DSS compatible (XADeS-X-L) ETSI XAdES Baseline Profile (long term) XAdES PAdES ETSI PAdES Baseline Profile (long term) OASIS DSS OASIS DSS based protocol Secure and robust communication between DSS and your applications
DSS History
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Allow the web-based or mobile-based applications to create and verify digital signatures The CeDA comes with a portal for document centric signature creation and validation Supported formats are listed below Microsoft Office Open Office CMS PDF XML (XMLDsig or XAdES)
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Instead of having to email the signed document to all recipients individually, this service takes care of the entire signing workflow At the end of the process, all parties receive the final signed document that has been signed by all those parties Via this service on web or mobile, we easily sign a PDF/Office/XML with multiple parties Content Layouts
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Once got the CeDA card and install the middleware, on the first login, we have to confirm the email address and some personal/company information 01 The system sends you an email containing a link for confirmation purposes. After email confirmation, we can do all of stuffs on CeDA 02 03 Once document is defined by a title, the signing document that we upload, and a list of recipient email addresses After creating the document within a system, all recipients receive an email containing a personal contact signing request 04 How Does It Work?
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service 05 Via the signing request, we can add a digital signature to the signing document When all recipients have the signed document, a last email is being send to all recipients containing the final signed document 06 07 At this point, the document owner can safely remove the document from the CeDA The document owner can also poke all recipients that did not yet signed the document 08 How Does It Work?
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Is It Secure? If the guy don’t start to forward document signing request to each other, the system is 100% secure. Of course, similar to guy forwarding the document signing requests, then of course other guy can view the document too Only guy receiving a document signing request can eventually view the content of the document. Of course, the document owner can also view their documents
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service How Is About Concurrent Signing? It can happen that two recipients sign a certain document at the very same time. In the event that this happens, only one of them will 'win'. The other will receive an error message asking him/her to retry it again later on This mechanism thus ensures that we end up with a signed document containing multiple valid signatures
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service How Is About Integration? The CeDA platform can easily be integrated in your own applications using the CeDA Web Service. Within the CeDA portal we can register our application. Once we have the application credential, we can use CeDA Web Service Client to integrate CeDA within our business processes
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service MOIT-eDA Web Service Client Create an electronic document. Download the final signed document Check the signature status on an electronic document
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service CeDAServiceClient client = new CeDAServiceClient ("") The application identifier and application secret can be retrieved by self registration of our application Client.setCredentials("the-application-identifier", "the-application-secret-hex-encoded"); Initialize The Client
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Creating an electronic document Long documentIdentifier = client.createDocument (title, "document-filename.pdf“ , pdfDocument, recipients); String title = "contract title" eDocument Byte[] pdfDocument = ... Recipients.add ("") Set<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>() Recipients.add ("")
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Query all your documents List<Long> documentIdentifiers = client.getDocumentIdentifiers(false); To query all document that are in their final stage (i.e., all recipients have signed): List<Long> finalDocumentIdentifiers = client.getDocumentIdentifiers(true)
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service Get Document Details DocumentDetailsResponseType documentDetails = client.getDocumentDetails(documentIdentifier) Download A Document byte[] download = client.downloadDocument(documentIdentifier) CeDA Remove A Document client.removeDocument(documentIdentifier) Poke Recipients To poke all recipients that did not yet sign the document: client.pokeRecipients(documentIdentifier)
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User Device Types Certificate is stored on USB Token Used in PC with Windows, MACOSX and Linux USB Token CA Certificate is stored on the Smart Card Run with card reader Smart Card Certificate is stored on Tomikey-2003A Worked through by audio 3.5 của smartphone, tablet, iPad Tomikey-2003A
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Login CeDA by SSL two-way authentication
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Once login successfully, the Home pane occurs
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Upload Document
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Document Overview
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Sign Document
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Document Overview 2
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Document Download PDF
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service User view Document Download MS Office 2010
Ours: Certified eDocument Authority Service CeDA Workflow
CONTACT US MINH THONG CARD SOLUTIONS CO., LTD Address: 16/2 Ter Dinh Tien Hoang, Da Kao Ward, 1st District , Ho Chi Minh City Website: Hotline :19006884 Email :
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