inclusive Information Society MANDATE OF PNC To advise the President on: the use of ICTs to optimise the pace and the extent of addressing South Africa’s development challenges and enhancing South Africa’s global competitiveness South Africa’s contribution to and benefit from the development of an inclusive Information Society in Africa and the world To facilitate the coordinated and integrated development of an inclusive Information Society in South Africa 3. To support efforts aimed at making South Africa and Africa integral and equal members of the Global Information Society Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
inclusive Information Society INTRODUCTION This plan serves as an instrument to incite and effect partnerships within the ICT sector, the three levels of government, NGO’s, civil society and business in order to develop an information society The coordination of efforts between National, Provincial and Local Government as well as all other non-governmental stakeholders is critical in order to avoid duplication, wastage and delays in implementation The Plan also serves as an instrument to effect partnerships within the Information Society sector Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
inclusive Information Society INTRODUCTION The focus of the PNC will be on - finalising the ISAD Plan and its corresponding provincial components the co-ordination and alignment of the ISAD processes with other departments’ development plans aligning the – National Spatial Development Perspective (NSDP), Provincial Growth Development Stratetgy (PGDS) and Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) prioritising tools for measuring the impact of the Information Society Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
inclusive Information Society MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY This strategic plan builds on what the PNC has done in the past, and encompasses a three-year strategic direction for the future, which is based on and aligned to the following four Key Focus Areas (KFA’s) of the Government derived from different Cabinet and its Makgotla decisions including the Micro Economic Reform Strategy adopted 2001: Achieving higher rates of investment in the economy Increasing competitiveness of the SA economy Broadening the participation in the economy Improving capacity of the State capacity to deliver Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY VISION MISSION The leaders on the development of an inclusive Information Society MISSION To build an inclusive Information Society in which human rights, economic prosperity and participatory democracy are fully realized through optimising the usage of ICTs for a better life for all Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY MAP (2006-2009) KFA 1: ACHIEVING HIGHER RATES OF INVESTMENT IN THE ECONOMY SG 1: Leverage the political leadership and emerging policy and regulatory environment for the development of an inclusive Information Society KFA 2: INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS OF THE SA ECONOMY SG 2: Prioritize skills development in building a safe, secure and inclusive Information Society KFA 3: BROADENING THE PARTICIPATION IN THE ECONOMY SG 3: Prioritize the second economy interventions in facilitating the building of the Information Society KFA 4: IMPROVING THE CAPACITY OF THE STATE TO DELIVER SG 4:Facilitate the building of an inclusive Information Society and an integrated service delivery through supporting and leveraging the single public service SG 5: Build a knowledge based organization Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
PNC’s KEY CONTRIBUTIONS TO ACHIEVING ITS STRATEGIC GOALS FOR 2006/07 Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
ACHIEVING HIGHER RATES OF INVESTMENT IN THE ECONOMY Strategic Goal Leverage the political leadership and emerging policy and regulatory environment for the development of an inclusive Information Society Strategic Objective Key outputs Ensue the development of a shared vision for the SA Information Society with planning and implementation support mechanisms ISAD Plan ISAD Plan implementation Strategy Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS OF THE SA ECONOMY Strategic Goal Advise on the accelerated implementation of the e-education policy Strategic Objective Key outputs Ensue the development of a shared vision for the SA Information Society with planning and implementation support mechanisms Report on addressing the challenges of funding and access to infrastructure in the implementation of the e-education policy Research on the integration of ICTs in curriculum development and teacher training in line with the e-education policy Ensure active participation of youth, women and people with disabilities in the building of an inclusive information society with special focus on the second economy Implementation of the Youth programme for an Information Society Women Information Society programme Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
BROADENING THE PARTICIPATION IN THE ECONOMY Strategic Goal Prioritize the second economy interventions in facilitating the building of the Information Society Strategic Objective Key outputs Advise on the use of ICTs to address challenges related to health care system Report on the implementation of the Electronic Health Record Facilitation of the e-health policy in partnership with relevant departments Research on use of emerging technologies to address challenges related to health care system Advise on effective mechanisms to improve the uptake of ICT by SMMEs and the development of ICT SMMEs Report on the support of SMME’s through ICTs in the tourism sector as prioritised in ASGISA Report on cooperatives approach in developing ICT SMMEs Report on the impact of the recent ICT policy developments on the development of SMMEs ICT sector Research on Internet Cafe’s/ privatized MPCC approach in developing ICT SMMEs Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
BROADENING THE PARTICIPATION IN THE ECONOMY Strategic Goal Prioritize the second economy interventions in facilitating the building of the Information Society Strategic Objective Key outputs Advise on accelerating the development of digital content in the South African languages Report on the provision of Government Information and services in local languages of choice Report on accelerating documentation and preservation of arts culture, heritage content in local languages through digitisation Advise on the Impact of ICTs in building a better life for all South Africans Strategic Framework for regular assessment of the impact of ICTs finalised Implementation of the Strategic Framework for regular assessment of the impact of ICTs facilitated Development of the indicator system facilitated Development of the measurement tools facilitated Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
IMPROVING THE CAPACITY OF THE STATE TO DELIVER Strategic Goal Facilitate the building of an inclusive Information Society and an integrated service delivery through supporting and leveraging the single public service Strategic Objective Key outputs Advise on addressing challenges related to e-government in support of the building of a single public service Facilitate the evaluation of Phase 1 of South Africa’s e-government program as it relates to government, business and citizen interaction. Development of IBSA e-government program facilitated Ensure sound intergovernmental and stakeholder relations in the building of an information society Stakeholder management strategy Information Society and Development (ISAD) Conference Participate in the ICT intergovernmental forum with special focus on Information Society program Report on the challenges of the nodal points and Project Consolidate municipalities Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
IMPROVING THE CAPACITY OF THE STATE TO DELIVER Strategic Goal Facilitate the building of an inclusive Information Society and an integrated service delivery through supporting and leveraging the single public service Strategic Objective Key outputs Ensure a coordinated and integrated building of an inclusive Information Society Development of the IS Coordination and Integration Framework facilitated Implementation of the IS coordination and integration framework facilitated Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
IMPROVING THE CAPACITY OF THE STATE TO DELIVER Strategic Goal Build a knowledge based organization Strategic Objective Key outputs Design and support innovative mechanisms to support operations of the PNC as a classic information society organization PNC’s organizational performance report Change management interventions Project Management system, processes and procedures institutionalised 60% Master System Plan roll-out Performance Management System Publications and Content management conducted Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
IMPROVING THE CAPACITY OF THE STATE TO DELIVER Strategic Goal Build a knowledge based organization Strategic Objective Key outputs Ensure that the PNC human resources are well capacitated and motivated to achieve the mandate of building an inclusive Information Society Skills Audit Report Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
inclusive Information Society PRIORITIES FOR 2006-2007 Information Society and Development Plan implementation strategy Programmes for designated groups for information society with initial focus on youth and women Tools for measuring the impact of the Information Society Project management within PNC Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society
inclusive Information Society BUDGET \\vmware1\users\farhad\DoC\Portfolio Comm. Presentations.31-03-06\DoC - Budgets.ppt Leaders in building an inclusive Information Society