Oppland County Library and


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Presentation transcript:

Oppland County Library and Public Libraries (10 local libraries) ”Stepping stones into the Digital World” Aizkraukle – Latvia 1. – 4.Nov 2007

Norway Oppland county 26 municipalities 26 Public libraries 2 High school libraries 17 Secondary school libraries 100 Primary School-libraries

Main goals for the project Give ALL users IT-skills Enorge 2009, carry out the visjon about equal ICT –accsess for everybody Matched to individual needs in a modern ICT society Help libraries to take new roles Give the inhabitants of Oppland County a better and free service in order to improve their digital competence

1.The need/aim of the costomers/project How to examine the needs and aims? Questionnaires to find out the level of the users Questions about computer skills (phone) One to one lesson before course Seniorsurf meeting before teaching in course and groups.

for henvendelser omkring digital basiskompetanse Registreringsskjema for henvendelser omkring digital basiskompetanse (Survey about the users digital level)

2.Target groups Give ALL users in Oppland IT-skills Adults 40-100! Immigrants

3. Training curriculum – model of teaching Co-operation between Oppland county library and ten public libraries Oppland county library: Giving the libraries a program of coaching and certification. Course a 2 days training The public libraries: Organised courses One to one lessons Small groups

Why we chose this model? Each library has different possibilities: The staff (depending of size of library) Technical equipment Venues and rooms Different opening hours: daytime/evening courses

4. Training material Books e-Borger, Eduke CD, ABC-pc from WOX-The Norwegian National Centre for learning in Working life Manuals selfmade in the public libraries Links http://www.bibteach.dk/, http://www.seniornet.no/ ”Local exercises and tasks”

5. Evaluation Report from each library Common report for the county Evaluation scheme Good respons from the participants Important that library services are free of charge Library help everybody; both young and old! Comments from an enthusiastic 80 years old lady: ”It`s funnier and funnier for everytime I come to you! What an enrichment for mye pensioner-life” And she finally bought herself her own PC

6. Funding and finance Oppland county library 8000Euro from Grundtvig Part of regular work Free of charge for the participants

7. Dissemination Reports Marketed by lecturing at national conferences Informated in local and regional networks Published in newspapers Published on web-sides http://www.oppland.no http://www.kompetansemotor.no/ Brochures

Our Experiences The libraries report long waiting lists The libraries have had to upgrade the computer equipment to meet the increasing respond Mostly participants at the age of 60+ Terrific feedback