Salford’s Market Position Statement


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Presentation transcript:

Salford’s Market Position Statement

Caring for our Future White Paper 2012 “The government supports the diverse range of care providers that currently offer care and support, including user and carer led organisations, small and micro enterprises and social enterprises.  To strengthen this diversity, the Government will introduce a duty upon local authorities to promote diversity and quality in the provision of services.  To help local authorities carry out this duty, IPC and ADASS offering support to every local authority to create a market position statement or to develop their existing one.” Social Care White paper & Bill Range of measures in order that local people can choose from a diverse range of high quality care services, to drive up quality of care, person centred and outcome focus Working with the IPC and ADASS

A duty towards care markets “A local authority must promote the efficient and effective operation in its area of a market in services for meeting care and support needs with a view to ensuring that any person wishing to access services in the market: has a variety of providers to choose from; has a variety of high quality services to choose from; has sufficient information to make an informed decision about how to meet the needs in question.“ Care and Support Bill 2012 The Bill states: LA’s have a duty towards care markets 1. Variety of providers, 2. High quality to choose from 3. Has Information to make informed decision about how to meet need Commissioners Make available information about the providers of services and the types of services they provide Make available information about current and likely demand & consider how providers might meet that demand Importance of a sustainable market. Continuous improvement and efficiency effectiveness and quality /encouraging innovation

What is market facilitation? ‘Based on a good understanding of need and demand, market facilitation is the process by which commissioners ensure there is sufficient appropriate provision available at the right price to meet needs and deliver effective outcomes both now and in the future’. Institute of Public Care Changing roles JSNA - but also identifying consumer preferences not as simple as matching demographics to existing populations. What approaches work best, with and and when Interventions best be targeted. Situation with lead to poor outcomes avoidable costs of public care Strategic Commissioners - Housing planning and health Diverse – one provide with wide choice and many providers Outcomes – just written down or payment Short and long term goals. Market predicately consistency of demand and price

Market facilitation activities Capturing & Sharing Market Intelligence Structuring the Market Intervening in the Market Market Intelligence – LD who providers, what, where and for who – what does quality look like – how sustainable are things – Provider convenience or the convenience of consumers Housing and planning, local economy, work force Co production of intelligence. Market Structuring – Being explicit to the sector how LA intends to perform/behave in influencing the market example voluntary sector contracting arrangements.

Monitoring and intervening where needed Changing roles… Commissioner Sharing intelligence Monitoring and intervening where needed Service Provider Delivering outcomes Service User Saying what they want Giving feedback Commissioner Assess /identify needs Allocate resources Tender and procure or provide in-house Provider Receive contract Provide service Service user Receive service

The market intelligence product – a market position statement The LA’s view and predictions of future demand, identifying key pressure points. The LA’s picture of the current state of supply covering both strengths and weaknesses within the market. Brief analytical document – If you are a provider you will come with you own judgement about where and in what amount to invest in the market but to do that you not only need to understand the LA direction based on what evidence. It should present a picture of demand and supply now, what it might look like in the future and how commissioners will support and intervene in a local or regional market in order to deliver this vision LA should support its analysis with JSNA, surveys, contract monitoring, market reviews etc All USERS INCLUDING SELF FUNDERS. Summary of direction of travel, demand and pressure points , LA’s picture of current supply strengths and weaknesses – qualitative and quantative information Identified models of practice that the LA and partners will encourage. Eg assistive technology. Likely future level of resourcing Support the LA will offer

The market intelligence product – a market position statement The areas where the LA wishes to see services develop and those areas where it is less likely to purchase or provide in the future or encourage service users to purchase. Identified models of practice the LA will support at what price. The support the LA will offer towards innovation and development. It should present a picture of demand and supply now, what it might look like in the future and how commissioners will support and intervene in a local or regional market in order to deliver this vision

Key characteristics of a market position statement It should cover all potential and actual users of services in the local area, not just those that the state funds. Indicates how commissioners intend to behave towards the market in the future. Is evidence-informed in that each statement it makes has a rationale that underpins it, based on population estimates, market surveys, research etc. Draws on intelligence and intentions outlined in commissioning strategies, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (H&WBS), the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), policy reviews and inspection reports where necessary. It should be the start, not the end point, of a process of market facilitation.

JSNA, H&W’s and MPS JSNA Joint H&Wb Strategy MPS Defines demand across the population. Essentially a broad based statement of current and future trends. • May help to identify and target key populations, using predictive risk modelling. • Looks at long-term patterns of need and demand. What partners will do together to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for all citizens in the local area. Provides a framework within which more detailed and specific commissioning plans for the NHS, social care and public health are developed. An analytical, ‘market facing’ document. • Signals the commissioners’ desired model of practice for a specific market segment. • Indicates changes, characteristics and innovation needed, and how commissioners will support and intervene.