CCS Engineering Tools The tools are used help development and debugging of VLT SW control applications This presentation will provide a general view of.


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Presentation transcript:

CCS Engineering Tools The tools are used help development and debugging of VLT SW control applications This presentation will provide a general view of the most used engineering tools. Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Database Browser The database browser provides a tool to see the database structure ccseiDb can display the database of WS or LCU environments The database tree is made by “points” (like directories in file system) Points have a “symbolic name” and an “alias” Points contain “attributes”, which contain the real data Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Database Browser An attribute is described by the following parameters Name Attribute Type : defines the structure of the data SCALAR, VECTOR or TABLE Data Type : defines the dbINT8, dbUINT16, dbFLOAT, dbBYTES16, … Quality : it applies for scanned attributes of to those defined with the calculation engine. Value Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Database Attribute Editing Database attributes can be edited to modify their values Attributes of type SCALAR can be edited directly in the list of attributes There is a “editing” dialog for each data type Scalars Vectors Tables Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Database Calculation Engine The calculation Engine (CE) allows the user to use database attributes in expressions to derive database values ccseiDb provides a way to prototype Calculation Engine (CE) functions By default the user cannot edit CE definitions > Export WITH_CCS_SETCE=ON Allows the user to change online the CE expressions Two new buttons can be used to modify the expression Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Database Monitor Monitor Database values Elements can easily added from Db Browser List of monitored attributes can be saved in files Data can be saved in files and .. later on .. displayed as plots The sampling time can be adjusted Start monitoring the database attributes … and optionally the data can be saved in a file Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Message Window The message command window provides an interface to the message and command interface for processes in WS and LCU environments The user can send commands .. see received replies … and the whole error stack Other interesting functionality Load and check CDT tables Simulated setup window Command scripts Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Command Help Window A new tools allows the user to get help for commands. It’s a stand alone GUI that provides the list of commands for a given process > ccseiCmdHelp rdbServer .. or directly the help for a given command > ccseiCmdHelp rdbServer DBDATON Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Historian History points are database points all with specific ID : “65411” The history manager is the core of the historian … it takes care of the configuration of the history table … it reads the samples attributes and stores the data into the history table History tables are used to collect data for a long period of time Database historian config History Point 2 history history config setups statstics History Point 1 Class 65411 hisDHMngr User enters new Configuration History Point 3 Store Sampled data Attributes sampled by hisDHMngr and their value are stored in the history table Get List of History Points Get Hist. Point Configuration The user interacts with the historian ALWAYS through the history manager. Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – Historian History tables can be started/stopped according to several conditions At any write on sampled attributes At any write on start/stop trigger attributes At a given time According to the value of the start/stop attributes : > , < , >=, <= , != Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – History Table Commands Interaction with the history tables is done by sending commands to the history manager. This applies to GUIs as well as to scripts. The most common commands are : CFGSTUP – Configure the history table HTCLEAR – Clear the history table HTCRTL – Control the status of the history table : ARM, DISARM, ENABLE, DISABLE ONESHOT – Force the reading of all sampled attributes Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – hisConfigTool A set of graphical interfaces provides the basis for the user interaction with the history tables hisConfigTool – shows the list of all known history tables and their status It provides a set of basic commands “Data Configuration” allows the user to see the data collected by the history table “Setup Configuration” allows the user to see the data collected by the history table Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – plotDisplay The plotDisplay allows the user to graphically display data. Plot Configuration Buffers Shared Memory Area plotServer plotDisplay Re-Configure Plot New Data Get Access to Shared Memory New New Data Attach New Notify Termination Database Plot Point Plot Data Source Display User enters new Read Data based on Polling or on event Read New Configuration Get Event On NewConfiguration Plot points are database points all with specific ID : “65501” There is one plotDisplay for each plot !! … it read the shared memory and plots the data The plotServer takes care of the plot configuration … it reads the samples attributes and stores the data into a shared memory area Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – plotDisplay The plot module provides some macros to help defining the plot points /vlt/VLT2008/CCSLite/dbl/plotCOMMON_DEFS.class ATTRIBUTE Table "curves" (4) BEGIN Value ( plotCURVES_ENTRY1(1000, "red", 1,-1,1,"pen1", 0, plotDATA_XY, "[]", "[]" ), plotCURVES_ENTRY1(1000, "green", 1,-1,1,"pen2", 1, plotDATA_XY, "[]", "[]" ), plotCURVES_ENTRY1(1000, "yellow",0,-1,1,"pen3", 2, plotDATA_XY, "[]", "[]" ), plotCURVES_ENTRY1(1000, "blue", 0,-1,1,"pen4", 0, plotDATA_XY, "[]", "[]" ) ) END ATTRIBUTE Table "traits" (24) Value ( plotTRAITS_ENTRY1(0,"magenta","red", 0), plotTRAITS_ENTRY1(1,"cyan","green", 0), plotTRAITS_ENTRY1(2,"turquoise","yellow", 0), plotTRAITS_ENTRY1(3,"salmon","blue", 0) ) ATTRIBUTE Table "limits" (4) Value ( plotLIMIT_ENTRY(0,0,"white","[]"), plotLIMIT_ENTRY(0,0,"white","[]") Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – plot configuration A set of graphical interfaces provides the basis for the user interaction with the history tables plotSelector – shows the list of all known plot points and their status plotConfigTool configures the common parameters of the plot -e.g.- x label, Scaling, division, number of pens, … plotConfigPenl configures single curve. -e.g.- y label, updating mode, color, scaling, division, … Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – plot features Data can be displayed as single curve .. or displayed in groups Data read from a db attribute with “Bad Quality” are marked The “Application Text” are used to describe what the curve shows Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – plot advanced features New features are available since the 2007 release Limit Lines – For each “plot” the user can define a lower/upper limit line The user can “shade” the portion of the curve falling below/above the limit lines Shading can also be used to “enhance” differences between curves Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – plotFileDisplay The plotFileDisplay is used to draw plots from data stored in ASCII files Data should be arranged in columns !! … each line representing a single “record” The number of records shown in the plot can be configured. Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – sampling tool The sampling tool provides a flexible way to collect data from WS or LCU databases. Data are sampled in “polling”. WS attributes are sampled in sec. LCU attributes are sampled defining : Report Period Sampling Rate (down to 50 msec) The list of attributes can be saved in a file The data can be saved in a file Plots are automatically generated during sampling Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

CCS Engineering Tools – sampling script API The sampling tool provides a script API that allows the user to : Start sampling in “background” - i.e.- no plots generated Start/stop several sampling tasks at the same time The script API is made of two calls : sampStart -v -d -n <1|0> <fileName> <plot point> <envName> <envType> <sampleRate> <reportRate> <DB attribute list> sampStop -v -d -n <plot point> <envName> <envType> Example : Data are not displayed but only stored in a file : sampStart -n 1 "./fileName" sampPEN8 lte47 LCU 1 4 <DB attribute list> Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

To finish I would like to provide some general guidelines. CCS Engineering Tools To finish I would like to provide some general guidelines. Use history tables to record long term statistics Use ccseiDbMonitor to monitor DB attributes from several environments Use sampCtrl to get a FAST sampling from of the LCU database Use sampCtrl to quickly plot data from the WS or LCU databases plotFileDisplay is able to plot ASCII data files as long as the data are stored in columns Due to the last two points … always define a few plot points for general usage Use CCS macros to define plot points .. and even more important if there are missing features … let us know before investing time for a custom made solution !! Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008

VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-3816 … Thanks For Your Attention CCS Engineering Tools … now the it’s your turn to “play” … have fun … history ccseiMsg … this and more in … sampCtrl VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-3816 ccseiDb plotDisplay … Thanks For Your Attention Mauro Comin – INS Workshop 2008