Step 1: Comparing governance approaches in the pilot areas


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Presentation transcript:

Step 1: Comparing governance approaches in the pilot areas Template for participants WaterCoG Workshop 26-28th September 2016, Session 1 Step 1: Comparing governance approaches in the pilot areas Please Replace the questions with answers (big fonts!!) If you have got more then one pilot, prepare for each pilot study one set of slides as print-out (A4 per slide) for the meeting Alternatively, you can just print it out, and write across the questions with a big black pen (readable if put up a pinboard)

What is the objective of the stakeholder involvement process? Step 1: Approach -to jointly reflect on similarities and differences in the governance system of the pilots Overview with Guiding Questions / To reflect already before the meeting. What is the objective of the stakeholder involvement process? What is the main issue of the stakeholder involvement process? Who / what institution is the initiator of the process? Who / what institution is the facilitator of process? Who / which institutions are stakeholders in the process? What is (are) their role(s) in water management beyond that? (see above) What are the stakeholders concerns and what drives them to participate? Are their any conflicts? Can they block or support decision making? Are they directly affected or take an interest in decision making? Can they provide relevant data? Who controls the funding? The next slides give space for your answers and some guidance at the bottom of each slide.

PILOT: [include name of your process here] 1. The objective(s) of the stakeholder involvement in this case study (from the perspective of the initiator): What is the objective of the stakeholder involvement process? It could be… To build trust among the stakeholders To increase shared understanding on water management? To gain support for measures to reduce nitrate concentrations? To adapt / develop measures in a way that they are better supported / received in the region? To improve measures’ implementation in the context of WFD implementation. Please fill in your own answers above –VERY LARGE LETTERS, PLEASE. The paper will be put up on the wall for everybody to look at.

PILOT: [include name of your process here] 2. The main (water) issue of the stakeholder involvement process of this case study: What is the main water issue of the stakeholder involvement process? It could be… E.g. saving ecosystems from drounght E.g. reducing the nutrient lake XXX E.g. balancing different water management demands Please fill in your own answers above –VERY LARGE LETTERS, PLEASE. The paper will be put up on the wall for everybody to look at. You can of course delete this guidance if you need the space (same on all other slides

PILOT: [include name of your process here] Participants in your stakeholder process: Please include a n overview with all participants in the stakeholder involvement process. This may help you for the following slides to keep track of the different stakeholders. If you haven’t started you r process yet, please include who should be involved.

Include (name &) organisation of stakeholder here CASE STUDY: [include name of your process here] 3. Initiator of the process of the stakeholder involvement process & his/ her responsibility in water management Include (name &) organisation of stakeholder here The initiator of the process has started the process and often also (pre)defined the objective of the process What is his / her responsibility in water management beyond that? Please choose at least one of the following tasks- it could be… providing / gathering data; Water user ( Withdrawing water, Using water / changing its quality?), NGO (“indirect water user”), Implementing regulations / providing regulatory frames / issuing approvals, Implementing technical / physical measures Right: Please update in the “Power-Table” - e.g. by choosing the relevant colour for each cell. Leave cell white if you don’t know or assume the answer (yet) Power: Can they block or support decision making? Are they directly affected by the results? (impacts on their water use or other activities) Can they provide relevant data? Control of funds in water management Yes No but they can influence others. No. No, but they lobby. maybe Partly

Include (name &) organisation of facilitator here CASE STUDY: [include name of your process here] 4. Facilitator of the stakeholder involvement process & his/ her responsibility in water management Include (name &) organisation of facilitator here What is the main concern to the stakeholder? Power: Can they block or support decision making? Are they directly affected by the results? (impacts on their water use or other activities) Can they provide relevant data? Control of funds in water management Yes No but they can influence others. No. No, but they lobby. maybe Partly A facilitator is the person who coordinates the meetings. Who / what institution is the chair of the stakeholder involvement process? >> Please insert name in box above What is the facilitator’s responsibility in water management beyond that? Is the person from the same organization as the initiator? Please choose at least one of the following tasks- it could be… providing / gathering data Water user ( Withdrawing water, Using water / changing its quality?), NGO (“indirect water user”), Implementing regulations / providing regulatory frames / issuing approvals, Implementing technical / physical measures non water specific task Please fill in your own answers above –VERY LARGE LETTERS, PLEASE. The paper will be put up on the wall for everybody to look at.

5. Stakeholder involved & his/ her responsibility in water management CASE STUDY: [include name of your process here] 5. Stakeholder involved & his/ her responsibility in water management Include (name &) organisation of stakeholder here What are the stakeholders concerns and what drives them to participate? Power: Can they block or support decision making? Are they directly affected by the results? (impacts on their water use or other activities) Can they provide relevant data? Control of funds in water management Yes No but they can influence others. No. No, but they lobby. maybe Partly Stakeholders are considered all other participants who are not facilitator or initiator of the process and who do have a stake / an interest in the process. including authorities, NGO’s, private persons Who / which institutions are the involved as stakeholders? >> include name What is his / her responsibility in water management beyond that? Please choose at least one of the following tasks- it could be… providing / gathering data; Water user ( Withdrawing water, Using water / changing its quality?), NGO (“indirect water user”), Implementing regulations / providing regulatory frames / issuing approvals, Implementing technical / physical measures Fill one slide per stakeholder. You can group…. Individuals… do as you wish Please reflect: Are there any conflicts between the participants?>> you can add arrows or other information once you put the paper up at the meeting. Right: Please update in the “Power-Table” - e.g. by choosing the relevant colour for each cell. Leave cell white if you don’t know or assume the answer (yet)

5. Stakeholder involved & his/ her responsibility in water management CASE STUDY: [include name of your process here] 5. Stakeholder involved & his/ her responsibility in water management Include (name &) organisation of stakeholder here Dublicate the slide to fill in more stakeholders What are the stakeholders concerns and what drives them to participate? Stakeholders are considered all other participants who are not facilitator or initiator of the process and who do have a stake / an interest in the process. including authorities, NGO’s, private persons Who / which institutions are the involved as stakeholders? >> include name What is his / her responsibility in water management beyond that? Please choose at least one of the following tasks- it could be… providing / gathering data; Water user ( Withdrawing water, Using water / changing its quality?), NGO (“indirect water user”), Implementing regulations / providing regulatory frames / issuing approvals, Implementing technical / physical measures Fill one slide per stakeholder. You can group…. Individuals… do as you wish Please reflect: Are there any conflicts between the participants?>> you can add arrows or other information once you put the paper up at the meeting. Right: Please update in the “Power-Table” - e.g. by choosing the relevant colour for each cell. Leave cell white if you don’t know or assume the answer (yet) Power: Can they block or support decision making? Are they directly affected by the results? (impacts on their water use or other activities) Can they provide relevant data? Control of funds in water management Yes No but they can influence others. No. No, but they lobby. maybe Partly