Phone: NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 MEASLES is spreading……. …….STOP IT reaching your child! WHAT CAN YOU DO ? Protect your child against measles, mumps and rubella by immunising with MMR. It is safe and two doses give 99% protection. If your child has missed one or both of their MMR injections, it's not too late. Please contact your GP practice, health visitor or school health nurse for more information. CAN MEASLES BE SERIOUS ? The complications of measles affect 1 in 15 children who catch it. These can include chest infections, fits and brain damage. Measles can kill. WHAT ARE THE USUAL SYMPTOMS ? Fever, cough, red eyes, blocked nose, and generally feeling unwell. The blotchy rash appears a few days later starting on the face and spreading to the rest of the body. It lasts for 5 or 6 days and then fades. You should contact your GP if you suspect your child has measles. TO FIND OUT MORE Phone: NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 Or visit: