Elements of a good essay A Introduction First paragraph contains clear, relevant background and a thesis directly addressing all parts of the prompt. Factual Support Substantial, detailed and relevant historical evidence in all body paragraphs. Analysis Articulate & original commentary explaining relevance blended into all body paragraphs. Writing Mechanics Entire essay is thoughtfully organized. Writing balances original voice with academic language and generally free of mechanical errors.
Sample Essay Structure Intro paragraph: - some background that leads into thesis - thesis First supporting paragraph: Topic sentence Evidence (facts). Explain your facts so that it shows how they support your thesis. Second supporting paragraph: Topic Sentence Evidence (facts). Explain your facts so that it shows how they support your thesis Conclusion – why is this topic significant?
What do you think your prompt will be tomorrow?
Introduction & Thesis: The “Roadmap” to success After describing some general background relating to your topic (assume the reader is not already familiar with the subject) in your first paragraph you needs a thesis statement. This is the “roadmap” for where the rest of your essay is going. A good thesis is clear, specific and presents an argument. A good thesis tells the reader where you are going. A well organized thesis will lead to a well organized essay! If a thesis is too broad your essay may be disorganized or too general If a thesis is too specific it appears like a list and limits you. It should be not too broad, not too specific but “just right” – the “Goldilocks rule”
Thesis practice Let’s use a question that is NOT your essay question tomorrow but that you have seen before: How and in what ways was Napoleon either a hero OR villain for France?
Evidence, Analysis and Writing Mechanics The body of your essay Evidence = facts. You have lots of these in your HW, Class work, quizzes etc. that you can refer to for in class essay on Friday. Analysis = original voice commentary. Explain how the facts you present support your thesis. You should identify why these facts were important, revolutionary and changed the world. Writing Mechanics = easy to understand but thoughtful writing. Good essays have clear sentence structure and new paragraphs for new topics linked to the thesis. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentences, not a fact. Evidence and analysis should be blended into each body paragraph.