Prevention of Rising Alcoholism for a Happy & a Healthy Society By: Davneet Kaur(C-10) BBA(GENERAL)
ALCOHOLISM Alcoholism is a broad term for problems with alcohol, and is generally used to mean compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages, usually to the detriment of the drinker's health, personal relationships, and social standing. It is medically considered a disease. People suffering from alcoholism are often called "alcoholics"
ILL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL Alcohol causes varying degrees of the following side effects in EVERYONE who uses it, dullness of sensation, lowered sensory motor skills, lowered reactive or reflexive motor responses, impaired thought processes, impaired memory, impaired judgment, sleep or sleeplessness, and in extreme cases can cause coma and death. Alcohol can cause the following behaviors, aggression,, excessive talking, spilling secrets, lying, and quick tempers. One of the first things to go when you have been drinking alcohol is your sense of good judgment and your inhibitions.
ILL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL Alcohol can cause high blood pressure increasing the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It also weakens heart muscles, which can effect lungs,liver,brain and other body systems and can cause the heart to beat irregularly. Alcohol have caused more lung infections and more likely to get pneumonia and for the lungs to collapse. When a person vomits as a result of drinking alcohol they may choke if vomit is suck into their lungs. Alcoholism can also lead to osteoporosis. Alcohol dehydrates your body and your skin, it also widens blood vessels causing your skin to looked red and blotchy
PREVENTION OF ALCOHOLISM Educate the people about the problems that are caused by consumption of alcohol The people who don’t consume alcohol should prepare to say NO when forced in any such situation Abstinence means that you don't use drugs or alcohol at all, not even in small quantities. This is especially important for people who have detoxed and are trying to prevent themselves from ever falling back into drug or alcohol abuse.
PREVENTION OF ALCOHOLISM A strong family history of alcoholism is a warning that you are at increased risk of becoming dependent on alcohol. Increased awareness of such a risk may help modify your attitude toward alcohol consumption. A strong social support system and early medical or psychiatric intervention may also help prevent the escalating consumption of alcohol so characteristic of alcoholism.
PREVENTION OF ALCOHOLISM Talking with teenagers about alcohol Early intervention can prevent alcoholism in teens. For young people, the likelihood of addiction depends on the influence of parents, peers and other role models, how much they're influenced by advertising of alcohol, how early in life they begin to use alcohol; the psychological need for alcohol; You can help prevent teenage alcohol use. Start by setting a good example with your own alcohol use. Talk openly with your child, spend quality time together, and become actively involved in your child's life. Let your child know what behavior you expect — and what the consequences will be if he or she doesn't follow the rules.