Junior Family Meeting August 29, 2017 Planning Your Next Moves
Tonight’s Agenda Meet the Counseling Center Staff The Significance of the Junior Year Check Your Progress – Use Synergy Important Information for the Junior Year Collegiate Athletics Eligibility Information – Mr. Ernst
Counseling Center Staff Dr. Simpson-Kirkland – A-C – dsimps@lps.org Mrs. Volker – D-He – pvolker@lps.org Mr. Feeken – Hf-L- efeeken@lps.org Dr. Lehn – M-N – jlehn2@lps.org * - Team Leader Mr. Peterson - O-Sl – apeter11@lps.org Mr. Ernst – Sm-Z – ternst2@lps.org Mrs. Way – Secretary – jway@lps.org
Counseling Center Staff Mr. Barber – mbarber@lps.org School Social Worker – available Monday-Friday Mrs. Blackwell – mblackw@lps.org School based therapist – available on Tuesdays and Fridays – referral and parent/guardian permission forms must be completed Mr. Hastings – jhasting@lps.org Counseling Center administrator Mr. Vega – Romulo@educationquest.org - EducationQuest Foundation Representative – available at Southwest on Wednesdays by appointment
Significance of the Junior year You have completed two years of high school. It is time to evaluate your progress toward graduation. You may be eligible to apply for membership in the LSW chapter of the National Honor Society if you meet admission criteria . See Ms. Duba for additional information. What would you like to do with the next chapter of your life? Your post secondary education/career plan should be taking shape. You are moving closer to adulthood. Do your behaviors represent your level of maturity? Remember that others watch your actions – in person and on social media.
Check Your Progress – Use Synergy Remember to use Synergy to check your current grades, course history and graduation requirements. To access your academic information, please log onto www.lps.org. Click on Parents – Parent/StudentVue. Your graduation status can be reviewed by clicking on Course History and the Graduation Status tabs. Transcripts may be requested in the registrar’s office. Parents/guardians must sign a release of information for students under the age of 18. Junior/counselor small group meetings will be taking place during the first half of this school year. The meeting times will be announced. Check your Chromebook (Google Classroom - Juniors 2018) for information updates from the Counseling Center. The classroom is in the process of being set up. How are you doing? Are you on track to graduate? Are you enrolled in classes that will meet college admissions requirements?
Planning to Attend College? Research your schools of interest. Do they offer the major(s) in which you are interested? Are the institution size and location a good fit for you? Please remember that admissions criteria are determined by colleges and universities and are subject to change by the institution. By the end of your junior year, you should have narrowed your search down to your top 3-5 colleges so that you may begin the application process. The college/university application completion process takes time and requires that accurate information be provided. Plan to attend meetings with college/university representatives that will be visiting Southwest in the spring semester of the 2017-18 school year. Sign up for visits in the Counseling Center.
The Gap Year – Solidify Your Plans If you are not planning to go to college or into the military right after high school, you should still have an educational/career plan. If you are working to save money to continue your education, save your earnings so that they can be used to cover college expenses. Apply to your school(s) of interest. Find out if your college/university will defer your admission for a semester or year. Don’t let a gap year become gap years. Continue to set and meet your goals.
Do You want to graduate early? You have the option of completing your high school education at the end of your junior year or during terms 1, 2 or 3 of your senior year and before May of 2019. You must meet all Lincoln Public Schools’ graduation criteria including earning 245 credits in required academic and elective areas. You must plan your academic program very carefully, particularly if you want to attend a 4 year college or university.
Save The Date ! PSAT – October 14, 2017 – Registration will take place in the Counseling Center (C101) from September 25- October 6. The registration fee is $ 25.00. Cash or checks payable to Lincoln Southwest or Lincoln Public Schools will be accepted. No credit or debit cards accepted for payment. Fall Lincoln Area College Fair – Sunday, September 24, 2017 – 1-3 pm – Southeast Community College – 88th and O Streets Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery – February 6, 2018 – Please sign up with Mr. Feeken. There is no charge to take this test. ACT – To be given at LSW in April of 2018 – This college admissions test will be given to all juniors at no charge. The junior year is very busy and is full of responsibilities and opportunities. Please take advantage of every opportunity to prepare yourself for the next phase of your life.
Use Your Resources Complete Take Charge – a valuable , required class that will allow you to explore college and career interest areas. LSW Counseling Center website: http://wp.lps.org/jlehn2/ EducationQuest Junior timeline: http://www.educationquest.org/selection.asp ACT information: http://www.actstudent/org/ SAT information: http://www.sat.collegeboard.com/home. SCC placement test information: accuplacer.collegeboard.org March2success.com – ACT preparation information, post-secondary planning support and sample ACT/SAT test questions We cannot endorse any one agency as we share information about college admissions test preparation courses.
Use Your Resources College Visit information: http://www.educationquest.org/selection.asp- You may sign up to meet with college/university representatives in the Counseling Center – C101 ScholarshipQuest: http://www.educationquest.org/scholarquest.aspCollege bound athletes: NCAA: http://eligiilitycenter.org NAIA:http://playnaia.org/page/students.php Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery: official-asvab.com Free and reduced lunch eligible students: College admissions fee waivers/ scholarship opportunities may be available. Talk with your counselor.
Use Your Resources The Hawks Food Market and Clothing Closet are available once per quarter during the school year. The market and closet are open to students and families at no cost. Other forms of assistance may be available to families in the Southwest community. Please speak with your counselor for additional information.
Important Information for the Student-Athlete. Is your student-athlete considering athletic competition on the collegiate level? Mr. Ernst, our eligibility expert will be providing information for student- athletes that are interested in competing on the collegiate level. NCAA/NAIA athletic/academic eligibility requirements will be reviewed. Please remain in the Auditorium to hear Mr. Ernst’s presentation
Thank you for your time and attention. Counselors and Mr. Vega from EducationQuest Foundation will be available in the Theater hallway to speak with you. Thank you for coming and have a good evening.