GCOS Needs for Satellite Observations and Data in the new Plan


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Presentation transcript:

GCOS Needs for Satellite Observations and Data in the new Plan Joint CEOS-CGMS WG Climate Carolin Richter, Director, GCOS Secretariat 7 March 2016, CNES, Paris

Recent and Next Milestones Status Report of the Global Observing System for Climate (2015) New Implementation Plan (2016)

Status Report and Outline for the new GCOS IP submitted to UNFCCC SBSTA43/COP21 GCOS fulfils the responsibility to review and assess the development and implementation of the component parts of the climate observing system and to report to its sponsors, partners and to UNFCCC. A report on the “Status of the Global Observing System for Climate” has been prepared during the period from May to October 2015 with contributions from panels and external experts. It has been submitted to public review during summer of 2015, and has been delivered to SBSTA on 20 October 2015, for presentation at COP21 in Paris. Draft outline for the new GCOS Implementation has been submitted to COP21. The new plan is due for SBSTA45 / COP22 in 2016.

COP21 / SBSTA43, Paris, December 2015 Conclusion: encouraged GCOS to consider the outcomes of COP21 when preparing the new GCOS Implementation Plan. invited GCOS to collaborate with relevant partners to continue enhancing access to, and understanding and interpretation of, data products and information to support decision-making on adaptation and mitigation at national, regional and global scales. urged Parties to work towards addressing the priorities and gaps identified in the GCOS 2015 Status Report. invited Parties and relevant organizations to provide inputs to, and contribute to the review of, the new GCOS implementation plan.

Story of GCOS Reports and Plans: following the Second Adequacy Report in 2003, GCOS produced: an Implementation Plan in 2004 a Supplement to the Plan in 2006 on requirements for satellite- based data products a Progress Report in 2009 an updated Implementation Plan in 2010 an updated Satellite Supplement in 2011 and most recently: the Status Report in 2015

Conclusions of the Status Report 2015

Detailed findings for: In-situ and non-spaced components Spaced-based component Data Management Reanalysis International Organization of Observing Systems

download from gcos.wmo.int

New GCOS Implementation Plan 2016

What do we need to consider in the next plan? Are the current definition of ECVs suitable? Are the current observations sufficient to assess the contribution of the hydrological, energy or carbon cycles to the changing climate? Are additional ECV needed for mitigation or vulnerability, impacts and adaption studies and planning? Are the monitoring networks sufficient and delivering data as needed? Could storage of, and access to, data be improved? Would the following “Indicators” (Surface temperature /Atmospheric CO2 /Ocean Heat Content /Sea level /Sea level rise /Arctic sea ice extent…) be suitable to describe Climate Change? Outcome of the Paris Agreement (Observational requirements to monitor emissions and emission reductions (Global Stocktaking, Transparency), Data needs of Public awareness (Indicators etc.), Capacity Development (GCOS Cooperation Mechanism)

incorporates 2015 GCOS Steering Committee input NIP draft version new ecv few, redefinition, regrouping, subsets and new products Work in progress: incorporates 2015 GCOS Steering Committee input will incorporate GCOS Science panel input 2016

UNFCCC CBD UNCCD SDGs GCOS Science Conf: talk by Alan Belward (JRC)

ECVs and Earth System Cycles Energy Water Carbon Earth System Cycles the Glue for cross convention ECV GCOS Science Conf: talk by Alan Belward (JRC), figure from Han Dolman (team meeting, Ispra, Feb 2016)

ECV Product Requirements and the Satellite Supplement Maximise GCOS / CEOS / CGMS synergy Reduce time-lag between IP and Satellite Supplement release Align requested reporting of both GCOS and the Space Agencies to SBSTA Provide Satellite Supplement as an Appendix to the New Implementation Plan Extend ECV product requirements provided in satellite supplement to in-situ data GCOS Science Conf: talk by Alan Belward (JRC)

IP 2016 Table of Content THE GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM FOR CLIMATE: IMPLEMENTATION NEEDS (tbc) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Part 1: 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PURPOSE OF THE PLAN 3. GROWING DEMANDS FOR CLIMATE OBSERVATIONS 3.1. The need for information on Climate Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation 3.2 The need for information in support of Climate Services 3.3. Climate Indicators 3.4. Cross Convention Co-ordination on Observations 4. CONSISTENT OBSERVATIONS ACROSS THE EARTH SYSTEM CYCLES SUMMARY OF MAIN ACTIONS Part 2: 1. OVER-ARCHING & CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS 2. ATMOSPHERIC CLIMATE OBSERVING SYSTEM 3. OCEANIC CLIMATE OBSERVING SYSTEM 4. TERRESTRIAL CLIMATE OBSERVING SYSTEM APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: UNFCCC SBSTA: Excerpts from the conclusions on research and systematic observation up APPENDIX 2: Decision 9/CP.15 - Systematic Climate Observations. APPENDIX 3: GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles APPENDIX 4:Agents for Implementation APPENDIX 5: List of Annex-I and non-Annex-I Parties to the UNFCCC APPENDIX 6: Contributors APPENDIX 7: List of Tables APPENDIX 8: Glossary of Acronyms 3.1 Including discussion on being responsive to COP-21 outcomes Underline substantial amount of work/content and detailed subsection under Domain specific chapters in Part 2 Underline that , as indicated in earlier slides, Annex may include in-situ data requirements if this assessment can be completed in time. Annex: ECV PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS / SATELLITE SUPPLEMENT

Timeline for the GCOS Implementation Plan Preparatory work in 2013 – 2015 (GCOS panel meetings and three workshops with GFCS/UNFCCC/IPCC; Publication of Status Report) 15 November 2015 Draft Table of Contents submitted to COP21 2-4 February 2016 First Writing Team meeting, JRC, Italy 2-4 March 2016 Open GCOS Conference April 2016 Bring work in progress to GCOS panel meetings 24-26 May 2016 Second Writing Team meeting, JRC, Italy July 2016 Public review (6 weeks) September 2016 Final version prepared in light of comments on the draft September 2016 Final Version submitted to GCOS SC-24 October 2016 Final plan submitted to COP22

NEW GCOS Implementation Plan (2016)  The new implementation plan is envisaging broadening its scope to global Earth`s environmental cycles, i.e., energy, carbon and water, and inter alia taking into account Sustainable Development Goals, climate services, climate indicators and relevant outcomes of discussions during COP21. It will advise on new requirements for measures needed for adaptation to a changing climate, and measures to mitigate climate changes.  The new plan will lay out a new strategic approach to further implement the Global Climate Observing System and will introduce a section on cross-cutting disciplines and on scientific and technological challenges.
