Not Just a Bill on Capitol Hill Preventing Suicide through Legislative Advocacy
Suicide Prevention in Schools (K-12) Suicide Prevention in Schools (K-12) Momentum growing rapidly since 2012 State laws require or encourage: Training for school personnel School district policies on suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention AFSP Resources: model legislation, Model School District Policy, issue brief, maps Since 2012, we’ve tripled the number of states (now 27) that require suicide prevention training for certain school personnel Twelve (12) states now require school district policies on suicide prevention, intervention, & postvention – prior to 2012, only one state had such a requirement.
Suicide Prevention in Higher Education Suicide Prevention in Higher Education Newer legislative issue Require colleges/universities to make info available to all students on: Available MH and SP services on and off campus Warning signs of suicide/MH crisis Free print & online materials, programs, apps AFSP Resources: issue brief, Interactive Screening Program, Truth About Suicide DVD Current state laws: OH, WV TX, PA (resolution to study), WA (task force). VA’s law was repealed Oct. 1. Related Federal legislation: H.R. 4374/S.2685: Mental Health on Campus Improvement Act This bill would require SAMHSA to award grants to institutions of higher education to provide and improve mental and behavioral health services, conduct research about the mental health of students, and expand outreach and training on college and university campuses. ISP – acts as a method of outreach for students that may be at risk for suicide, but who are not getting the help that they need. The ISP anonymously connects at-risk students with feedback from a campus counselor encouraging follow-up options for resources or treatment. Visit Truth About Suicide – educational DVD that teaches college students and young adults the risks and warning signs for depression and encourages help-seeking behaviors. Visit
Training for Health Professionals Training for Health Professionals WA first state to take legislative approach Matt Adler Suicide Assessment, Treatment and Management Act adopted in 2012 Have revised original law language each year since Began with mental health professionals, now expanded to include primary care professionals
Training for Health Professionals Training for Health Professionals Since WA in 2012, 6 additional states have adopted similar laws Require or encourage training in “suicide assessment, treatment, and management” AFSP Resources: issue brief (includes links to available trainings), state contacts, map
How You can help Getting Involved Your opinion DOES make a difference with your elected officials! Effective advocates maintain regular contact and build relationships with elected officials and their staff Share your story Ask them to support issues you care about Offer to be a resource (and follow through) The combination of a clear and real message, based on data, research and personal experience, conveyed effectively to elected officials is a winning one!
Getting Involved Call/email your elected officials regularly Getting Involved Call/email your elected officials regularly Engage via social media Sign up for newsletters Visit your elected officials in person On your own Join an AFSP State Capitol Day or other local SP/MH advocacy events The combination of a clear and real message, based on data, research and personal experience, conveyed effectively to elected officials is a winning one! Getting Involved Join your state or county coalition on suicide prevention or mental health Connect with community stakeholders and local reporters Attend local meetings (e.g., town halls, city council, local school board)
AFSP Field Advocate Network AFSP Field Advocate Network Large, grassroots network of 7000+ volunteer advocates Email, call, and tweet elected officials Sign petitions Submit letters to the editor Track legislation
AFSP Field Advocate Network AFSP Field Advocate Network Represent yourself Communicate with your own elected officials via AFSP’s online Action Center Quick, easy, online sign up form: We make it EASY to participate, when it fits into your schedule! Receive 2-3 emails per month with advocacy alerts and updates from our Public Policy Team Regular opportunities to connect with your local AFSP chapter as well.