Metadata Catalogue and Knowledge Network ICSU-WDS Members’ Forum Denver, Colorado – 11 September 2016 Wim Hugo/ Michael Diepenbroek
Working Group Charter: Background The ICSU-WDS Scientific Committee identified at its 7th meeting (1-2 November 2012), the need to update the concept of the WDS Data Portal and build an online open WDS Metadata Catalogue that can be used to discover and access the quality-assessed scientific data and information holdings of WDS Regular and Network members. The WDS-SC also subsequently identified the need to test the feasibility of developing a scalable and agile WDS Knowledge Network, which draws information from the WDS Metadata Catalogue but which is heavily supplemented with additional data and information from a variety of other sources.
WDS Knowledge Network: the Fabric of Science Scholarly Publications (CrossRef?) TDRs (WDS, DSA, DataCite*) Samples and Events People (ORCID) RDI Outputs/ Online Resources Coverage (Temporal, Spatial, Topic) Data Citations (DataCite) Institutions (?) Projects Initiatives Use, Caveats, Lineage, Methods Networks Licenses (CoDATA, Creative Commons) * Including re3data, DataBib Funders (?) Exists Started Not Now WDS
Generalised Scientific Data Infrastructure Use Case Curate Mediate Cite Access/ Download Data/ Services Analise/ Visualise “Bind” “Publish” Process Metadata Discover Assess/ Rate “Find” “Predictable Assembly from Reliable Components”
Implementation Tasks WDS Metadata Catalogue Implementation Pilot. Implementor: Pangaea/ OpenAIRE Contact Persons: Michael Diepenbroek/ Paolo Manghi Funding: Pangaea and OpenAIRE In-kind contributions: SAEON, ICSU-WDS IPO, Members WDS Knowledge Network Implementation Pilot. Implementor: OpenAire/ SAEON Contact Persons: Wim Hugo/ / Paolo Manghi Funding: SAEON, DIRISA In-kind contributions: WDS IPO, Members Guidelines for ICSU-WDS Membership on Metadata and Data Services Implementation GEO Data Management Principles, GEOBON Guidance Many others, Oceanograpjhy Community, SPASE, Clarin, … Implementor: ICSU-WDS IPO, Coalition of the willing and able Contact Person: Mustapha Mokrane Funding: ICSU-WDS IPO In-kind contributions: Wim Hugo, Ingrid Dillo, …
Example: GEO BON Guidance General guidelines in respect of data management Specific guidelines to foster semantic interoperability Data shared in global repositories that serve a specific data family and is well established. Remaining data published and catalogued using widely adopted interoperable service standards and content schema Community should play a role in extending such service standards and content schema where deficiencies exist.
Some Generic Data Families and Crosswalk Requirements Typical Dimensions/ Content Typical Infrastructure Typical Syntax/ Schema Cube Data XYZ, t, P OPeNDAP Multi-dimensional S-DB Traditional Spatial XY, t, P WxS O&M Signals XYZ, t, P/ B SOS MetaCat General Ecosystem XYZ, t, P/ B CSV GBIF Index XYZ, T, Tx Occurrence DwC GenBank XYZ, T, Al Genetic FTP/ ASN.1 Still Thinking About: ✪ HDF-5 for Everything ✪ Directed Graphs/ RDF for Everything
What Members Can Do Assist with Development of Discipline-Specific Guidance Implement Guidance Participate in Open Source Development Represent WDS in RDA Interest and Working Groups Help Align Major Knowledge Network Registries with WDS
RDA Alignment Brokering Interest Group: Data Fabric Interest Group: Data Fabric Interest Group: Metadata Interest Group: RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG: Vocabulary Services Interest Group: Data Description Registry Interoperability Working Group: Attributions for Collections Working Group: proposed
WDS Knowledge Network: the Fabric of Science Scholarly Publications (CrossRef?) TDRs (WDS, DSA, DataCite*) Samples and Events People (ORCID) RDI Outputs/ Online Resources Coverage (Temporal, Spatial, Topic) Data Citations (DataCite) Institutions (?) Projects Initiatives Use, Caveats, Lineage, Methods Networks Licenses (CoDATA, Creative Commons) * Including re3data, DataBib Funders (?) Exists Started Not Now WDS