HEALTHY HABITS FOR LIFE A Common Sense Approach to Healthy Living-Grades 4/5 Leader Guide for Healthy Habits for Life Thank you for choosing Healthy Habits for Life: Your 6 Week Guide to Food and Fitness. This Leader Guide is designed as a series of slides. Teaching tips and activity ideas for each week are listed on the “Notes” section of the title slide for each week. Each slide was taken directly from the text of the book. Participants will find it easy to understand the lecture by following in their books. The slides are divided into: an introduction a presentation for each of the six weeks a summary You may down load them for free from this web site, save them on your hard drive and add to them or change them to suit your individual needs. General Guidelines The classes are designed to be taught in 6 one hour sessions but experience has shown that there is a lot of information to cover and the classes may be better taught dividing them slightly differently than the book is divided. Week Two (Eat Well) can really take two weeks to teach and Weeks 5 & 6 (Shop Smart and Fit It In) can both be covered in one session. There is enough material that the entire program could be extended to 8-10 weeks. It is very important at the beginning of the program to set some ground rules. The nature of the material lends itself to much class discussion. Participants should be made aware of the amount of material to be covered in one short hour and the need to be respectful of the time. It may be necessary to meet separately with particularly outspoken persons out side of class time to address personal issues. Ideally, each participant would have a one hour consultation before the beginning of the program to help them through some of the personal information in Week Two and becoming familiar with their goals, concerns, etc. Week Four
Plan It: Putting it all Together for Healthy Eating Pleasurable Eating Menu Planning Made Easy Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack Ideas
Pleasurable Eating Give yourself permission to eat the foods you like. Savor foods as you eat them. Make eating more enjoyable. Eat when you are hungry; stop when you’re full. If you love it, savor it. If you don’t love it, leave it.
Menu Planning Made Easy Determine your calorie needs. Look at sample menus for a guide. Use the “Menu Planner” worksheet.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack Ideas Breaking the Breakfast Barrier. Making the Most of Lunchtime. What’s for Dinner Smart Snacking Makes Sense
Breaking the Breakfast Barrier Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Include at least three food groups at breakfast. example: yogurt, fruit, granola
Breaking the Breakfast Barrier Breakfast on the go example: bagel with peanut butter and banana Breakfast-at-home example: English muffin with cheese and fruit salad
Making the Most of Lunchtime Remembering to eat mid-day will help you avoid becoming over-hungry. Include food sources of carbohydrate, protein, and fat.
Making the Most of Lunchtime Grab and Go lunches Example: bagel sandwich with turkey, cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, and mustard. Add an apple and a few chips for crunch. At Home Lunches Example: baked potato with chili and cheese; pear slices; and fruit bar cookies.
What’s for Dinner: Planning is the key to stress free dinners. You can save about 15% of food costs by planning ahead.
What’s for Dinner: Planning Tips Review your calendar Plan a meal focus. Use time saving appliances. Prepare a grocery list. Plan for left-overs.
Quick and Easy Dinner Ideas Pasta or Rice Evening Breakfast Food Bars: Baked Potato, Taco/Burrito or Salad Pizza Refer to Quick to fix brochure.
Smart Snacking Makes Sense Listen to your body. Do not forget the protein. Keep snacks handy. Remember moderation.
The Plan: Week 4 Make copies of the Menu Planner Worksheet Plan menus for the week Try one new idea Complete the Food and Activity Journal