Welcome to UNIMIB!
YOU CAN FIND ALL THE INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE: www.unimib.it CLICK ON (English version) http://www.unimib.it/go/page/English Then click ERASMUS on the right-hand side of the page
ASK YOUR DEPARTMENTAL ERASMUS COORDINATOR Erasmus Office In Bldg. U17, recessed square between U7 and U12 Enter the area and take a ticket by touching "Erasmus Incoming" on the totem touch screen. OPENING HOURS Wednesdays 13.45 - 15.45 Fridays 9.00 - 12.00 E-mail: incoming.erasmus@unimib.it PLEASE DON’T ASK US FOR INFORMATION ABOUT TIMETABLES, COURSES AND EXAMS BECAUSE WE DO NOT HAVE THIS INFORMATION: ASK YOUR DEPARTMENTAL ERASMUS COORDINATOR
FIRST STEPS: ERASMUS DOCUMENTS… COMPLETE YOUR LEARNING AGREEMENT: get the signature of the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator bring it to us at the helpdesk in U17 for processing For each subject you MUST indicate its code! Ask the Coordinator if you don’t know or are not sure.
… FIRST STEPS: ERASMUS DOCUMENTS IF YOU NEED TO MODIFY YOUR LEARNING AGREEMENT: Ask for confirmation from the Erasmus Coordinator at your home University if you need it Give a copy of the “Amendments to Learning Agreement” to the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator in Bicocca for signature Bring it to us in person at the Erasmus Help Desk during opening times DEADLINE for amendments to the Learning Agreements: 1st term: 30 November 2016 2nd term: 31 March 2017
You must pay your campus insurance Go to the “Banca Popolare di Sondrio” in Bldg. U6 and ask to pay the campus insurance for €4,48 Bring the receipt (client copy) to the Help Desk in Bldg. U17
STUDENT ACCOUNT (LIBRETTO) and WEBMAIL To access these services, use the USERNAME and PASSWORD we will give you in your “PROMEMORIA IMMATRICOLAZIONE” following receipt of your insurance payment Example Student name: Mario Rossi USERNAME: m.rossi Campus email: m.rossi@campus.unimib.it For internet access refer to the website or ask in residence
For your Student account (Segreterie online) Go to homepage www.unimib.it Click on “Segreterie online”
Click again on “Segreterie online”
Click “Log in” and write your username and password On your FIRST login you MUST change your password with one of your own choosing following the criteria for password creation indicated
Bicocca Email account Go to www.unimib.it Click on “Webmail studenti”
Check your Bicocca Email Account FREQUENTLY! It is the only official communication channel for students
REMEMBER! You can find all the information you need on our WEBPAGE BEFORE LEAVING Come to the Erasmus Office in U17 We will check your exams taken and passed and take note of your departure date Bring your CONFIRMATION OF ATTENDANCE form for signing and stamping REMEMBER! You can find all the information you need on our WEBPAGE
Your University will receive your Transcript of Records starting from approx. 30 days after your departure GET ALL YOUR EXAMS REGISTERED ON YOUR STUDENT ACCOUNT BEFORE YOU LEAVE UNIMIB! We do not provide partial Transcripts of Records or if you do not pass any exams
On 23 September at 11am here in the U12 Auditorium WELCOME ERASMUS On 23 September at 11am here in the U12 Auditorium You are invited to an official welcoming ceremony Where you can meet your Erasmus departmental coordinators There will also be a surprise for all of you We look forward to seeing you there!