Welcome to Teller Talks - A follow up to our fall “Teller Voices” community meeting
Agenda Welcome Information Share Q & A Session Topic Suggestions for 2017-2018
Parking and Drop-Off - Successes - In response to parent and community concerns in regards to parking and drop off, the following was instituted this year: A "Kiss-n-Go” lane on Jackson St. Two staff members will continue to supervise the kiss-n-go lane and support students as they move onto the playground. Communicated and encouraged parents and community members to park away from the school, and proceed to school by walking.
Parking and Drop Off - Next Steps - Contacted Valerie Barrientos (Department of Safety) to request installation of amber flashing lights to mark school zone. Purchased traffic cones to block off “no parking zones around the perimeter of the school. Parents who choose to park in the staff parking lot will be ticketed and towed away.
Math - Successes - Continue teaching Common Core State Standards through Engage NY mathematics curriculum. Added two Math Fellows for the 2017-2018 school year to support students who need an extra measure of support in Grade 4 and 5. As a member of DPS’ HGT cohort, Teller is discussing implementation of a new math acceleration model. This model will meet the needs of all children who’s math instruction needs to be compacted and accelerated. This model will also include opportunities for end-of-unit projects.
Math - Next Steps - Design a school-wide trajectory based on mastering Common Core State Standards that will guide teachers’ planning and instruction. Staff professional development to support compacting and accelerating the Engage NY curriculum.
Library * Proposal was tabled due to a lack of funds and community support.
Gifted and Talented Magnet - Successes - - In response to parent and community concerns regarding our Gifted and Talented Magnet status, the following was instituted for next year: 1. We are maintaining our status as Gifted and Talented magnet school. 2. We budgeted money to continue to fund a full-time GT teacher. 3. We hired a Senior Team Lead to coach all classroom teachers through a GT lens.
Gifted and Talented - Next Steps - Increase the time that our GT specialist pushes into classrooms to enhance the integrated GT model. This will benefit all children who need to be challenged. Provide all staff members with specific coaching on differentiation and rigor through one-on-one coaching sessions and whole staff professional development . Provide parent support through seminars, guest speakers, etc. to provide resources on how to parent a GT child. Possible integration of math compacting and acceleration in all grade levels (1st-5th). Increase parent volunteer opportunities that challenge our students (Brain Bowl, Mathletics, Destination Imagination, Chess Club, etc.) A group of Teller teachers will attend Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented conference in the fall.
Movement - Successes - 1. This year, we integrated a 15 minutes extra recess into our daily schedule for all grade levels this year. 2. Several teachers purchased “wobble chairs” to support movement needs. 3. Several teachers integrated a variety of seating options throughout the day. 4. Teachers have used a variety of brain break activities (Brain Gym, GoNoodle) to provide students with short brain break throughout the day.
Movement - Next Steps - During lunch recess primary and intermediate grades will no longer be separated on the playground. Students will have “free range” of the playground. Reevaluate the 15 minute extras recess and the impact on instructional time. Reinstate playground equipment caddies that will provide a larger variety of activities (hula hoops, jump ropes, footballs, chalk, Frisbees). Lunch dismissal will be staggered based on children’s eating habits i.e. if they finish their lunch, they will no longer need to wait for the rest of their peers to go outside and vice a versa, when a child needs more than 20 minutes to eat, he/she will be provided that time.
Reading - Successes - 1. Budgeted funds to support paraprofessional reading assistance in grade K-2 2. Fall 1st grade flood success. 3. Winter K flood success. 4. Spring flood in all grade levels to catch as many students as possible. 5. Summer reading support – invite only 6. Summer Academy on site at Teller. All students who are reading below grade level guaranteed a spot.
Reading - Next Steps - Recommended all teachers who are not already trained in GRP to take official training during 2017-2018 school year. Accelerated Reader and STAR parent training nights. Decoding and Comprehension Strategies parent training night. Officially train Kindergarten parent volunteer group.
Other Next Steps Reincorporate monthly principal meet-n-greet (Friday morning). Share year-long parent learning opportunities and online registration. Removal of old kiss and go signs, as well as the 10 year old achievement sign.