SEEd Your Students’ Knowledge: New 6-8 Science Standards Jennifer Brimley and Tami Root Wasatch Back Digital Learning Conference 2017
New Science Standards New Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) Standards for grades 6-8 were adopted in December 2015. Standards were written by teams of Utah teachers and higher education faculty. Standards are based on national research: NRC’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education.
Why New Standards? Current standards are outdated with changes in science and changing student population a change was needed. Crosscutting concepts and better integration. Improvement to the K-8 learning progressions.
Activity: Give One, Get One On your paper, make a T chart. Label the left side “Give One” and the right side “Get One.” On the Give One side, make a list of as many similarities and differences between the old and new standards as you can. When prompted, stand up and walk around the room to share your Give One side, and fill up your Get One side.
What’s the Difference? OLD Science Standards look like this:
What’s the Difference? New SEEd Science Standards look like this:
What’s the Difference? Format is different: with the old standards, the content, ILO, and literacy standards were separated; NOW they are integrated into the standards. Content is less explicit and more general in the new standards. 3D Science
3D Science
6th Grade Root Questions THEME: Cycling of matter and flow of energy affect stablity and change in environments. How does energy affect the structure and behavior of matter? How do energy and matter move in patterns that affect Earth’s weather and climate? How does the availability of energy and matter affect stability and change in ecosystems? How can the use of matter and energy affect Earth’s systems?
7th Grade Root Questions THEME: Mechanisms in nature like the forces that cause the cycling of Earths materials and cause and effect. How does the structure and behaviors of an organism affect its ability to grow, survive, and reproduce? What patterns can be observed as evidence to support changes in species over time? How does the cycling of matter and energy affect Earth’s evolution over time? How does the force of gravity influence the structure, organization, and motion of objects in space? How do forces interact with matter?
8th Grade Root Questions THEME: Arrangement of matter and the interactions of matter and energy in nature. How do matter and energy interact to form the physical world? How is energy stored and transferred into physical systems? How is energy carried in waves? How do humans respond to and interact with Earth? How are living things organized? How is life maintained?
Schedule for K-12 SEEd science standards. Operational Field Test refers to a first round SAGE assessment that covers the SEEd Standards. Full Implementation –Full SAGE assessment report.
Resources SEEd Storylines: OER textbooks: SEEd Utah: NGSS and SEEd alignment UEN SEEd Courses: ASD Resources: